Saturday, October 8, 2011

a scary update

i had to use the baby heimlich (the tip them forward & whomp on their back version) this morning when emma choked & quit breathing. terrifying doesn't even come close, although i'm sure doing CPR would have been scarier. (perspective, right?)
she has pertussis (yes, we vaccinate, but lots of idiots don't so whooping cough is making a come back where we live & emma doesn't have full immunity yet.) anyways-- the pertussis causes a really phlemy cough, & there's so much thick crud in there that she couldn't clear her own airway. it happened twice, & we took her in to the doc, who said if it happens again she gets hospitalized. so right now, i'm watching her try to sleep (so i'm nearby, just in case she chokes again.) & praying nothing happens.
i have never been more glad we took all those infant first aid refreshers when the boys were in the NICU. emma is acting fine (sick, but breathing) & i'm still shaken over it.

& this on top of conrad having croup & me just getting over pneumonia. really, really hoping we're done with being sick for a while.


  1. that is super scary! I am so glad she is ok. We've had to do the heimlich on Kira 3 times. once with squash and twice with green beans. Every time was equally frightning. 2 were when she was @18 mos the 3rd was this summer. It scared she and I. She still talks about it "remember when we were with xxx and I choked on a green bean"?
    We will however be taking a refresher course especially for the cpr part. after having my friend recently lose her infant (probably to sids) it reinforced to me the need to really know cpr.
    now disenfect everything around you and rid the house of those germs!!!!

  2. wow! I can't even imagine ... glad she was OK, and hope that she continues to be OK. *hugs* to you all ... and thoughts of healing! It's definitely a good thing that you knew what to do. N. almost choked on a piece of rice cake the other day, and I was thankful that I was able to spring to action too, even if she probably would have been OK in the end!

  3. omg kate, so scary. Choking is one of my biggest fears, even now as katie is almost 6. Thank goodness for infant/child CPR classes.

  4. Ugh that's horrible :( I hope she feels better quickly.
