Wednesday, August 18, 2010

lord give me patience

tantrums. 2 at at time. bc if your brother is that pissed off, it must be a reason good enough for you to get furious too.

(heaves a huge sigh & goes back to her screaming, flailing sons.)


  1. {{{HUGS}}}

    At least you can get the tantrums over with at one time :-/

  2. I'm sorry. ((HUGS))

    I hate to say I know what you mean, since I only have the extra kid for 4 hours a day, but all he's done the past 2 weeks is scream. he only stops when I hold him, and he starts again after a few minutes. it's frustrating for my little guy, who gets upset with the screaming and wants to be held, and then i have 2 screaming babies :/, and i can't just ignore my little guy and hold extra kid for 4 hours a day :(.
    Sorry to hijack, i just wanted to give you hugs and heave big sighs with you.

  3. Man oh man Kate. I can only imagine.

    Not that it even is close to two two year olds freaking out, when L or K freak, the other does as well, so even a difference of 10 years doesn't prevent sibling freak outs...they are just of a different magnitude.

  4. I feel for you!(((HUGS))

    I also have the whole R and C freak out at the same time, I could not imagine two the same age doing it.
