Saturday, September 4, 2010

superheros & snobs

are you ever taken aback when someone compliments your parenting? not that i think i'm a rotten mom, but i also don't think i do anything all that special. i love my kids & try to give them a safe, nuturing environment to grow up in. i like the chaos of lots of kiddos & i choose fun over strict all the time, but i have my cranky crazy moments just like every other mom.
i think it's a function of having so many babies all at once, but you end up hearing "i just don't know how you do it" all the time. "supermom" gets thrown around alot, as does "you really have your hands full, you're doing a great job" etc, etc. don't get me wrong, it's nice. especially on days when you haven't bathed in a week, & all of your kids are in varying stages of grumpy-neediness (as is their right, being babies & all.) & it is easy to get caught up in the "i have 3", or "i have 4" (or 2 or 5 or whatever) & therefore bc you have numbers on your side, you're somehow more of a mom, or faced with more challenges. to some extent it's true, just bc you have more people to physically & emotionally care for at all times. but is a mom of just one working any less hard to ensure that her own little one's needs are met?
the thing is, i just do what i have to do to keep everyone healthy, happy, & growing. you all do it for your singletons, & any of you could do it for more if you had to. & yeah, i'm guilty of the mom of multiples snobbery (i.e. "HA! you have ONE & you think it's hard? try my life for a day sister." i know i've said it before & i'll pry be guilty of it again.) but really, i think the nature of "mom" is just doing whatever you have to do to meet your kids' needs. "supermom" is subjective. just bc i have a few more babies all at once doesn't make me, or other moms of multiples, any more worthy of the title of supermom than a one baby at a time mom.
so today, i just wanted to say to all the one at at time moms (most of my blog reading buddies, i believe), bc you probably don't hear it as often as you should, that i think YOU are supermoms, & your beautiful babies are the proof.


  1. I have people make comments about how well I have done with C, it kind of blows me away. I don't feel like I am doing anything different with him then I am the others. *shrugs*

  2. sometimes i feel like people just think they need to say something like that if you're dealing with unusual curcumstances, like a preemie or multiples. (no that you aren't doing an awesome job with C, kim, but i also think you're doing an awesome job with the other 3 as well!!)

  3. I agree, that people feel they need to comment. There are times that the person just needs to hear that they are doing it right.

  4. ...

    I do think you do a great job Kate though, just so you know.
