Monday, October 25, 2010

gratuitous pumpkin pics

here we have the guys in the pumpkin patch, & painting their picks (super messy but sooo fun! conrad even did emma's pumpkin for her.) & a random picture of em with our singing devil bear., bc we don't want to leave out the little girl!

i just realized after psoting that em is making an obscene gesture in her picture. heeheehee...


  1. that devel bear is teaching Em all the ways to be in line..... It is amazing to me how different EM looks from home the dudes looked at her age.

    She is so sweet. What size is she wearing? What do you think she'll be wearling for the winter?

  2. thanks kariann! :) she is such an easy going baby, & is freaking HUGE compared to where the guys were at her age (altho they were still working with an adjusted age then, so i guess it doesn't really compare, but whatever.) she is wearing 9 mos right now & i'm thinking she'll pry be in 12 mo. stuff this winter. i've been keeping an eye on sales for her. we have tons of stuff from the guys alst year, but it IS fun to dress your girl like a girl, ya know? :)

  3. We have so much stuff from Kira, stuff she never wore. I will look through my bins and see if I can find you some cute "girly girl" stuff :)

  4. that would be awesome!! thanks for thinking of us! give baby kira a big smooch from me & em :)

  5. Totally adorable! And you look like one hot momma!

  6. LOL at the obscene gesture, she is your child all right ;) hehe!!

    Wow, she really is huge--Nolan just started 12 mos. stuff at the end of October. But he's just long and skinny. It's so interesting how babies are all different shapes and sizes, and it's okay, because theyre babies!!
