Thursday, January 13, 2011

an award!

the lovely ms. karianne at staying above the water gave me an award! i'd post the little badge, but i'm a lame blogger & don't know how. (sorry!)

but i will attempt to execute the rest of the reward, & say THANKS to karianne!!
& post 7 things about myself:
1. i am addicted to blue cheese stuffed olives. the market near out house sells them, they are delicious & if there are any in the house, they'll be gone inside a day. i cannot help myself.
2. i am a (not-so) closet soap fan. sad, but true. i totally love the ridiculous melodrama. days of our lives is my poison of choice.
3. i like my kindle so much i'm already over the mommy-guilt & i haven't even had it for 24 hrs yet. ;)
4. i don't really dig wearing socks, so when i have to wear them (like all winter) i wear really funky ones.
5. i hate spiders with a passion. they freak me out beyond words.
6. i used to love scary movies, but have completely lost my taste for them since having kids. i don't know what the connection is, but it's true & it drives N batty, since i never want to watch his creepy movies anymore.
7. i know i'm an adult now, but i still kind of want to grow up to be a jedi.


  1. I could use jedi powers right now. :) Another funky socks wearer here ... !

  2. ohhh I gotta try the blue cheese olives those sound yummy!!

  3. Oooh, I used to be a loyal Days watcher. :) Miss that quiet time!!
