Wednesday, January 5, 2011

boobs, blogs & sneezes (a collection of random thoughts)

BFing: to be honest, determined as i was to do it, i didn't think i'd like it. it's a huge time commintment, it involves a little critter (yeah, i know it's MY little critter, but still...) hanging off your boob for extended periods of time, it occasionally requires semi-public exposure, & it puts the entire burden of feeding a child on YOU.
need i say how wrong i was? 7 mos in with em, & i love it. ok, sure, sometimes it's annoying, but mostly it's awesome. there's no mixing formula, no bottles to wash, & as it turns out, having a little critter hanging off your boob is actually totally peaceful. it's a beautiful thing, & the look on my blissed-out baby's face make all the minor annoyances worth it.
my plan is to wean when she's approaching a year. (with hopes that we can go right from boob to whole milk & skip the formula entirely. we'll see how that goes, since with babies even the best laid plans typically go haywire.) anyways... despite my initial misgivings, BFing turns out to have been one of my favorite experiences as a mom. (can you pick a favorite experience as a mom? i'm not sure you can.... whatever. i'm not re-typing this paragraph, bc i am both too tired & too lazy to mess with it.)

crafties: i finally started piecing the quilt i'm making for one of the boys. (not sure who yet) & i'm so glad i forked over the extra $ for the nice fabric. when everything is sewn by hand, it makes a HUGE difference. i pry should have figured that out sooner, but i'm kind of cheap when it comes to my hobbies.

blogging: at night, in bed, trying to sleep, i think of all kinds of things i should write. i read other people's clever blogs, & yet.... here i am, in a rare moment of quiet, when i could actually write something of substance, writing a random post of things that likely interest me alone. go figure.

allergies: poor conrad is really suffering lately, & i hate it. it changes his entire personality. it's like he's sick all the time. i'm NOT happy with this, but i'm not sure what else to do. we're ditching the carpet this spring, as soon as we can afford it. (we want to pay outright, we're on a no-credit kick.) anyways, i think hardwood will help, but i'm thinking i may take him back to the allergist soon to see if there is anything else we can do for him. i hate that he feels so cruddy, & i know it affects his ability to do things bc everytime we get him feeling better he has these big bursts of language, development, etc. there has to be a better way, i just have to find it.


  1. I BFd for a year, too ... given that I was working full time for a big chunk of that, I did a LOT of pumping, which was a pain. But I'm glad I did it, and I'm hoping to do it again! I wish I'd had the luxury of doing it a bit more ... er ... naturally. ;)

  2. S'up back at ya! ;)

    So glad to hear you're enjoying BFing - it's one of those things that I'm actually looking forward to if I ever have one of my own but there are so many horror stories out there! Yikes.

    Hope you find something to help Conrad soon. I can only imagine how hard it is to watch your own child be sick.

  3. I really adored BFing too. In fact, I keep going back & forth on it (I'm still producing a little milk) and nurse N every so often and then when he screams at me all night I remember why I stopped. LOL!

    I'm excited to see your quilt! I'm re-gaining interest in my own hobbies, including sewing. I'm also anxious to sand & paint the furniture in N's room, I think it'll be fun (but lots of work).

    Hope Con feels better soon :( it sucks he has such severe allergies.

  4. I also adored BFing! It's the moments of closeness, connection, pure awe that we are made to provide for our young...

    as far as the rest of the blog, Crafty, I'm still on that "will I like it? buy cheap" stage;)

    I hope Conrads allergies settle when you get rid of the carpets...we have no carpets really in this house because Dad ripped them out years ago for similar reasons.
