Tuesday, June 8, 2010


i heard from my doc today, & while em is doing beautifully, i'm not doing quite so well. i've had alot of trouble with the incision from my c-section- in the hospital it wouldnt quit bleeding, & then it became increasingly painful & started oozing again once we got home. sunday night it bled through everything i was wearing, so i put a call in to my doc & went back to the hospital to have it checked out. they didn't find any infection (good) but found lots of bleeding behind the incision (not good). my doc called today fora status report & it's actually been hurting worse. when i told him that he said he thought we'd need to schedule an additional surgery to take care of it (i.e. drain it). i got off the phone & burst into tears, as another surgery means anesthesia, which means no feeding em & more time away from all of my kids.
it's been so hard being home & being unable to do anything. i can't play with my boys, i can't sit on the floor with them or feed them, or help put them to bed. i can't even lift my 8lb daughter. but i can feed her, which means the world to me, espcially since i wasn't able to BF the boys & it's pretty much the only mommy thing i'm capable of doing right now. i've been so proud & happy over how well she's eating. the BFing experience has been everything every says it wont be right away-- it doesn't hurt, she knows exactly how to latch, supply is great, it really coudn't be going smoother & i've been holding on to that as something that's going well, since it's all i can do. it's been keeping my frustration at bay, & the thought of losing that too (even temporarily) just crushed me.
i think my doc guessed how miserable i was at the idea of another hospital stay, so he called back & offered to try to do it with a local anesthetic so i could go home & BF the same day. i was warned that it could be pretty painful & if it was too bad i'd have to have surgery anyways. of course i opted for the local anesthetic & i am going to do my damndest to just deal with the pain. i want to heal, & i want to be home & be with my babies.
the "procedure" is scheduled for thurday afternoon (i asked to push it back a couple days so i can hopefully pump enough for the feeding or 2 i'll miss). i'll be glad to be out of pain, (i tried to describe it to my mom , & its most like being burned. it feels like some one is laying a piece of burning metal across my belly all the time), but i'm dreading this & i'm stressed about pumping screwing with my supply, or em liking bottles more than boob. i hate pumping.
my mom is going to stick around to help out, but she's also having a rough time, since she just found out a dear friend of hers died yesterday by choking during lunch. they had grown less close in recent years bc they no longer lived very near, but it's still hit her hard.
all of this combined with post partum hormones is making me very weepy.
oh, & it's my birthday.

p.s. yes, i'm still planning on going private, so if you haven't already, see the below post & drop me a comment.


  1. ~hugs~ Hopefully the local will work out for you, and as much as missing a couple nursings will suck, you will be able to hold and love and cuddle all your babies much sooner for it, ya know?

    I also bet that Em will latch right back on.

    I will keep my fingers crossed that everything goes well thursday.

    ~hugs~ You are such a great Momma!

  2. Happy Birthday :)

    I'm so sorry your healing is going badly. I hope the pain from the procedure is very tolerable and your breast feeding isn't affected at all. Wishing you lots of luck!

  3. and on a separate note, because it deserves to be separate.

    Happy Birthday Kate! :D I know it's not the day of your dreams so far, but, I hope it improves.

  4. First of all, Happy Birthday!

    I hope that things work out with the local anesthetic and that you have a speedy recovery so that you can spend time with all of your kids doing the things you love doing.

  5. Sorry things arent goin well hun. I will be thinking about you and sending lots of prayers your way. I had a c-section nearly 9 yrs ago and I still have pain there from time to time. Hope they can get you fixed back up so that you will be able to be with your kiddos more. HUGS
    Happy Birthday!

  6. (((HUGS))). Can I make a bottle suggestion? I used the Breastflow bottles (you can buy them at target). They are supposed to mimic the breast when it comes to having to work a little harder to get the letdown. I used those with Eli when he was just a week or two old and he latched just fine after...and now he wont even take a bottle so try not to worry about not wanting boob that too much. :)

    I hope it all goes well Kate! I will be thinking about you.

  7. That just sucks. I am sorry you are dealing with this! I had complications with my incision and it isn't fun. Hope you feel better after they drain it!

  8. Happy Birthday Kate!

    I have a suggestion for you... both as a nurse and as someone who had surgery when I was breastfeeding.

    I would have N bring Emma with you guys to the hospital. Feed her RIGHT before you are brought back for surgery, and as soon as you feel steady enough after the anesthesia wears off you can nurse again. Hopefully then you will only need to pump enough for a bottle or two.

    I had my gallbladder removed under general when Livy was six weeks old. The anesthesiologist agreed with me that there was NO REASON NOT to bf directly after the surgery. The reason that you need continuous administration of anesthesia throughout the procedure is that it metabolizes quickly. The amount that would pass into your breastmilk is miniscule.

    That way you have the benefit of having the surgery under general (less pain, as well as them having the opportunity to REALLY get in there and look at the incision) as well as getting to continue to feed your child.

    Best wishes!!

  9. Happy Birthday!!

    I have no suggestions but I do have plenty of get well soon vibes for ya!!

    I just know the procedure will be successful and minimable and you will be back to the boys and Em asap!!

  10. Oh poop...double doggie doo doos on this post!

    Hope you heal up quick honey~

    And a Very Happy Birthday to you!
