Thursday, February 3, 2011

going green(er)

so we finally are making the switch to cloth diapers. while some have been supportive, we've also heard alot of "are you guys CRAZY?"

we are NOT crazy, & my only regret in going cloth is that we didn't do it sooner. i LOVE cloth. N is slightly less enthusiastic, but is rolling with it. (& he IS excited about all the $$ we will save.) so far, (thanks to generous friends & a couple killer sales) we've collected some kawaii, bumgenius, go green & blueberry dipes to try out. (the bg are all we've used so far, as everything else is waiting to be washed, but so far so good!)

the boys actually prefer the cloth dipes. if they're in sight at diaper time, val reaches for the cloth every time, & conrad & em seem much more comfortable when they get a long stretch in the cloth. i feel guilty when i run out & have to switch back to the paper dipes.

plus, cloth diapers are just so darn CUTE! who doesn't love a soft, fuzzy, baby bubble butt? :)

1 comment:

  1. 1st) Nothing is as cute as a cloth diaper baby butt!

    2nd) While Eli's exzema was very mild to begin with...we have had NO butt breakouts since switching

    3) Your NOT crazy...just an awesome mom!
