Tuesday, June 2, 2009

107th Post!

I just realized that my 100th post has come & gone, & I did absolutely nothing to mark this momentous occasion! Ok, so it's not really all that momentous, but we'll mark the occasion anyways (7 posts late.) In honor of my 107th post, I think rather than tell you guys a bunch of random stuff about me (if you read this blog, you pry already know too much about me!), I think I'd like to find out a bunch of random bloggy-stuff about you!

1. Do you blog? Why did you start? Why do you keep it up?

2. Are you currently pg, TTC, a mom, none of the above?

3. What is your biggest blogging related pet-peeve?

4. Do you hang out on any boards? (WebMD, Cafemom, etc...)

My answers:
1. Obviously, I blog. I started to relieve the boredom of bedrest, & thought I'd quit once I had the dudes. Instead I found myself attached to my computer buds as a source of support & care too much about their stories to ditch the blog. it's also an awesome place to vent, or think out loud, or just document my life with my dudes (which is important to me, although probably less so to everyone else!)
2. you all know i'm a new mom! :)
3. when people disappear for ages... of course i know real life takes precedence & we all get busy, but i hate being left to wonder what's going on & if everyone is ok. it's the natural worrier in me. (or maybe it's just that i'm nosy...)
4. lately it's just cafemom, but i started on the TTCAL boards... which led to the blog. it's a vicious, escalating cycle!


  1. 1. Do you blog? Why did you start? Why do you keep it up? Yes, I do blog. I started because... well it seemed like "everyone else was doing it" LOL

    2. Are you currently pg, TTC, a mom, none of the above? currently pregnant

    3. What is your biggest blogging related pet-peeve? Probably drama. ugh. I follow this one blog, Suburban Turmoil, and she gets so much crap from people it's ridiculous.

    4. Do you hang out on any boards? (WebMD, Cafemom, etc...) I still spend a little time on WebMD but ever since the CM board started I love hanging out there even more!!!

  2. 1. I've been a blogging member for over a year...mostly just because so many friends had one, so it was easier to do comments. Then when Kim posted a blog about "for those of you who don't blog, why? My excuse was silly! Combined with the fact that my other website was being shut down, about a month ago, it seemed like perfect timing, so I started a blog of my own! I've had a site ever since I was pregnant with DS in 2006, so family and friends could keep up with us.

    2. A new mom...will HOPE to TTC again in about a year.

    3. No big blogging pet peeve...more message board pet peeves...does that count? That one is that people get upset when their posts aren't answered by a bunch of pepole, yet it's the same people that don't post to anyone themselves...I feel like it's a circle, you get back about the same as what you give! Of course there are exceptions, but that's my take!

    4. Umm, lets see, I lurk on WebMD now (but not much), the grad board, 2 spin off boards from girls that I went through PAL with the first time, and my local mom's group board. BUT, as of TODAY, I am ONLY going to be a part of my mom's group board and occasionally the grad board because I'm online too much! I've been obsessed with boards since I first started TTC and I need to get away some and refocus!

  3. 1. Do you blog? Why did you start? Why do you keep it up?
    I began blogging almost a year ago. When I lost my son, I began reading blogs and finally decided to start one myself. It was very therapeutic to me! Now I keep it up to journal about my pregnancy now - and anything else that comes to mind!

    2. Are you currently pg, TTC, a mom, none of the above?
    I am pregnant with my second baby - Payton!

    3. What is your biggest blogging related pet-peeve?
    I don't know that I have one. My biggest pet peeve is really about myself! I don't update as often as I would like.

    4. Do you hang out on any boards? (WebMD, Cafemom, etc...)
    I am mostly a WebMd person, but I hang out on Babycenter and What to Expect too.

  4. 1. Do you blog? Why did you start? Why do you keep it up?

    yes'um. I started after my m/c last summer and death of one of my bff's and the lovely depression that followed. I like having a place to explode, vent, whatever without having to put too much thought into it. It's a snapshot of small moments of my life.

    2. Are you currently pg, TTC, a mom, none of the above?

    i'm ttc#2 (for about 19 months). I have a 2 yr old little girl, Elizabeth

    3. What is your biggest blogging related pet-peeve?

    meh. i don't really have one. if i disagree with someone, i click away....

    4. Do you hang out on any boards? (WebMD, Cafemom, etc...)

    um, i've been on babymed on and off for the past year. it's alright. meh. i prefer blogging honestly

  5. 1. Do you blog? Why did you start? Why do you keep it up? Yup I blog. I now have 2 blogs. One that covers my every day garbage and updates about baby K. I started to have a journal of sorts. I keep it up cause it is almost like a good therapy session for me.

    2. Are you currently pg, TTC, a mom, none of the above? I am a new Mommy to baby K. She'll be 4 months old in 6 days. (AND OH MY GOD~ DID MANDY MOO SAY ABOVE SHE IS PREGGO???))

    3. What is your biggest blogging related pet-peeve? LURKERS! Hate em

    4. Do you hang out on any boards? (WebMD, Cafemom, etc...) Not any more. While TTC I was on Web MD, while KU'ed I was also on Web MD. I tried the grad board but didn't have the time..
