Monday, June 29, 2009

rock a bye baby

at our shower, we got a really nice graco swing that we set up way back in february & never tried out. N, being N & a wee bit OCD about clutter, throws out the box. fast forward to may, when the boys are home & finally big enough to swing. we try out the swing & they love it. we don't. why? the motor is busted & it doesn't swing unless you stand there & manually swing it. which we did until yesterday because sometimes you'd gladly stand on your head if that's what you have to do to get your baby to stop crying.
then the boys' aunt M, who ages ago worked for BRU, tells us we can pry still take it back, so yesterday i give it a shot, & after a long song & dance they finally take it back & give me store credit. yay!!! (& i'm not too proud to say i totally used the boys being born early as a sob story to get some sympathy. it worked darn it & we NEED a swing!) so i come home with the boppy travel swing to find that my mom also got us a travel swing from a garage sale (it's clean & works great). so now everyone has their own swing & it is awesome!!! con prefers the boppy & val likes the garage sale one, which has flashing lights (he looooves flashing lights), so life is good!


  1. I have the boppy travel swing and I can't wait to use it! Glad to see the boys loving their swings!

  2. How sweet! Now you just need a swing to relax in! :)

  3. Keep the pictures coming! They are so sweet.
