Wednesday, July 8, 2009

nap time & updates

my kids dont nap well.... at least, conrad doesn't nap well. if i can get val to sleep, he naps like a champ, but the con man? no way. it's like he thinks he'll miss something-- he just won't sleep for long periods during the day. it's rare i can get the guy to nap for more than an hour, maybe twice a day. he's only 3 mos.... it seems like he should be napping more, right? although they do get about 12 hours (broken up) during the night. they both seem totally fine, so maybe he's just not a kid who needs alot of sleep. still, a long nap once during the day would be nice... i could get something done for once. oh well... sigh....

i've been MIA from the computer for a few days. all is fine here, i'll update more later, since the dudes are getting restless. it seems like we've been super busy, although really we haven't gotten much done. N has been working on resumes, etc. i must say, i write a d***n fine resume. 3 years of a top notch legal education, & what do i take away from it? how to write a resume. you'd think i could have learned that without spending the $$ on law school, but whatever. at least i took away a real life skill. now let's hope it helps us find a job!!


  1. Noah has always been the same as Con...a great sleeper...terrible napper!

  2. Maybe this will be a piece of encouragement, but Kaisley hasn't been a great napper either. Well, I half way take that back...for her it was small cat naps, except for one decent afternoon nap (which thank God was usually during my 2 year old's nap too, so it WAS wonderful). But anyway, she's 5 months old next week and it's only been in the last couple weeks that she's starting to take longer naps, each time! So....she's totally different from my 2 year old...but just now starting to get it! Fingers crossed maybe it will happen for you in the coming weeks or months too!!!
