We're back from our trip to the in-laws' farm, & we survived! Actually, it didn't go too bad-- the highs were higher than expected, & the lows were about what they always are. We got up there Friday night, & the boys slept almost the whole way; we had to stop & feed them once. We went to the local "Gerber Days" festival (Gerber is based in Fremont, MI for those of you who were unaware) & it was actually pretty nice-- it's a local fair/craft show with a focus on babies, & we got TONS of free Gerber stuff for the boys. & Grandma bought the boys their first little wooden tractor & a couple dishcloth bibs. Sunday they had a bunch of extended family over to meet the boys. one of N's cousins has a 6yr old set of twin boys, so it was a very twin oriented day. the grandparents were thrilled to see the guys, who they hadn't seen since the day after they were born. N's dad was especially cute with them, since he's such a crusty old dude; it was funny to see him baby talking & making plans to take the guys hunting & stuff (especially since they can barely hold their heads up at the moment!)
All in all, it was a decent weekend. The boys held up pretty well with all the strangers & lack of naps (despite my best efforts) & only had a few meltdowns. N's folks were not terribly helpful with the guys. They just aren't really baby people, (especially grandma!!) & never fed a bottle, changed a diaper, or held a baby unless they had to, but that's about what I expected. Grandpa did enjoy talking to them & playing with them if some one else was holding, so he actually did better than grandma.
N's estranged younger sister called while we were there, which upped the tension level on Sunday night, but N's dad & the babies helped keep the peace on that one, so it wasn't too bad. & his mom was MUCH nicer to me than usual-- behold the power of grandbabies! oh well, it was expected, & such is life, right?
In unrelated baby news: the boys had their 4 mo. appt on Friday, & they are developing great! Con is 24 & 1/2 inches & 13lbs 13oz, & Val is 23 & 3/4 inches & 14lbs 13oz. The doc's first comment when he saw them was "wow, they're big!" We're giving Conrad a trial without his prevacid to see how he does, & we're starting rice cereal with both guys. We tried it for the first time last night, & both guys did well, although they were definitely confused by the spoon. Con man cracked me up bc he kept grabbing it out of my hand & shoving it in his mouth by himself :) so cute! I'll pry post some "first cereal" pics a bit later...
I'm glad to hear that the trip went pretty well! That's awesome that they slept on the drive, that makes it so much easier. :)