Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Twin v. Singleton Belly: Part V

here i am 24 weeks with the boys...
& here i am 24 weeks with #3...

totally think i look just as big with this ONE baby as i did with TWO last year... sigh...


  1. Remember, you do get bigger on the second baby, AND, your body didn't have all the time it needed to recover from having the boys.

    Story time!!

    With K I was tiny, I swear I was the same size with him when I had him as I was with J at 20 weeks. With J and R both I got HUGE, I looked like a house at the end. With C, I was a little smaller then you are now when I had him. That said, for me gender played a role, and where the placenta attached. With both my boys they were more to the back, and with both girls they were right on top more toward the front.

  2. I'm with Kim...and plus, #3 could be hanging out more in the front, where the boys really had no excuse for where they could hang out...

    I think you look great though!

  3. I'm bigger than your twin picture at 24 weeks and I am only 22. It's totally the 2nd pregnancy thing, it has to be!

  4. I was MUCH bigger this time until the last few months. Then I was about the same as I was with Noah. Besides you were tiny for twins! I was bigger than that at 24 weeks with Noah LOL. You look amazing.

  5. I think you look great but agree you do look about the same size
