Saturday, February 20, 2010

just one

it's weird being pg with a singleton. maybe its just bc i was so recently pg with twins, but it's just odd. the movements are so different, & that's weird. but weirder than that is that i still think in terms of 2. we often forget & say when "they" get here, i think just bc we're so used to referring to everything in terms of multiples. it's totally bizzarre to me to think of all the things i won't have to do, bc this is just ONE baby... we won't BOTH have to get up at every feeding, breastfeeding won't be an hour & a half long enterprise involving lots of pumping & reflux prevention, NICU time is super unlikely (thank God!!!).... honestly, i have a hard time imagining what it will be like to have just one. (i know we won't really have just one, since the boys will be 14mos when 3 is born, but still-- just ONE newborn.... how crazy will that be?)

i'm actually kind of sad that 3 won't have a twin. as the boys get older, they are sooooo attached to each other. they genuinely love each other's company & hate to be parted. they have such a great time playing together, & i really hope that 3 grows to be included in their little world. don't get me wrong, being pg with twins was incredibly difficult & dangerous for all 3 of us so i don't want to put any more children thru that. i know how lucky we were to make it to 33 weeks after PTL at 26 weeks, & have a only a 3 week NICU stay, etc, etc, but if it weren't so dangerous for the kids i'd wish for more twins in an instant. not that i'm really bummed about havinga singleton either-- i think it will be kind of a cool parenting experience to get to raise both & i'm sure there are benefits to having kids one at a time, but i can't help but worry that 3 will be lonely....

sounds silly i know, when the kids will all be barely a year apart... but still.....


  1. I don't really know, obviously, but I hope things are easier with just one this time for you. I know my biggest struggle with 2 so close in age is that Noah gets to feeling left out and wants to be held when I am nursing Eli and that just isn't possible. So, I hope that the boys having each other to play with...and already being used to sharing mommy will make that better for you. I also hope you don't have to deal with reflux issues this time! I know how hard that can be! Noah was so bad until he was about a year old. So far we haven't had any issues Eli...knock on wood!

  2. I worry all the time about having them be lonely. My situation of course is different because I don't have twins. But, I think since the three of them will be close in age they will all play together. I know that the first two boys will be closer, but they will be close. And, the good thing is you can always have another if you like, then 3 will have someone as well!

  3. I totally understand what you mean... I was the youngest of 5. It's hard being an odd number of kids. Mike was also the youngest of 5. It doesn't always mean someone is left out, but that is sometimes the case. Mike & I decided we want an even number of kids just for that reason. LOL. Of course, having an even number, you could have like 3 hanging out together, and one would still be left out, so that might not work even.

  4. Mandy, that is so funny! That is how my number became 4. I had K and J and I was totally content with just two, then I met P. With K and J being so much older then R, I didn't want her to be an "only child" and I hate odd numbers.

    Kate, I think #3 will be okay. K and J HATE each other, they were great when they were little, but now they can't even be in the same room with each other without being just awful to each other. It seems as if K and R buddy up, and J and C buddy up.

    Not sure where I was going with that..

  5. I can't tell you any personal experience, but just wanted to say that no matter how well they do, or don't get a long, it will be a wonderful experience!
