Thursday, July 22, 2010


moms of many-- ever feel randomly jealous of some one who has just one kid?

moms of one--do you feel jealous of moms with more?


  1. This sounds silly, but I get jealous of moms with only 2 kids. I know that sounds really odd. I don't regret my kids, but sometime I wish it was just the two oldest again.

  2. I have felt both!

    When kae was an only, I was jealous that other families had more then one child...then now, well, when Liam and Kae are both driving me batty, I miss just one kid...

    Please, don't get me wrong I love them, but same days.... ;-)

  3. Well, I don't know if I am jealous of those with two or more kiddos. I mean - I do have two babies. It's just that one of them is in Heaven. And I just don't know if my body and my mind is up for another pregnancy and another baby. I guess I get envious of those who have more of a choice - without having to worry about losing another or whatever. Does that make any sense??

  4. present day....I am jealous of pregnant women. Not really Mom's with more than one though. I am longing to be preggo again.

  5. I do get to wishing I didn't have to babysit when I need to run errands with all 3 kids. But then when I'm with just my 2 I sometimes wish I could just leave 1 home, and when I just have 1 it's mostly likely Eli, and I will see something I think Noah will like and wish he was with I guess there is just no pleasing me.

  6. Yes, I totally wish I had more kids... I want a pretty big family. But, I'll take what I get, when it comes...

  7. Yeah I wish I had more. I wish I had a say in the matter also. That's the biggest kicker.

  8. It's funny, but at the moment, I have to say no to both questions. I am perfectly content with what I have right now. When I was a mom of one though, that was a different story...

  9. I am very jealous of moms with more than one. We did some begining stages of IF treatments when I had to have a hysterectomy-- I deeply wish we could have more children BUT feel blessed that we have Blake.

  10. At the moment, nope. I am SO completely content with my one right now. That will probably change when she gets a little bit older. But she's a really happy baby and I am just loving being her mom and watching her grow...don't really need more.

    I have been getting twinges of jealousy with pregnant women. I just miss the baby movements inside, the attention, the excitement of u/s's and the unknown, etc. But then reality smacks me, b/c I wasn't a fan of pregnancy overall AT ALL, and I don't want another right now! lol
