Tuesday, May 10, 2011

one more thing...

as an adendum to yesterday's post, i want to add that N has really been struggling with the situation. his parents are estranged from his sisters following similar situations, so he knows what the consequences likely are for taking a stand, & as he pointed out to me, no matter who they are or how they act, they are the only parents he has & he still loves them. i get that, & i appreciate how difficult this is for him. that said, it sucks for me too, for all the reasons i described yesterday. & for me, at least, it is time to draw some boundaries & insist that they be enforced. i just hope that when the sh*t hits the fan, he chooses to stand with me & the kids.


  1. it sounds like it would be important for N to take a stand for himself, too ... is there anyone he'd be willing to talk with professionally to help him make sense of this situation?

  2. i've thought about that justine, & if things continue on in this vein i think i'll suggest it. although i think i'd suggest it in terms of a "couples" session in hopes he'd be more amenable to that. we'll see... he really is a wonderful husband & father with this one, huge, glaring exception, & i actually think his relationship with them may improve if he can show them that he's not tolerating any more of their BS, & that they need to interect with him as a competant adult. the trick will be getting him to see that...
