Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fun with Pictures: Twins vs. Singleton, Part I

13 weeks with the twins
13 weeks with a singleton (thanks amanda for the shirt!)

8 weeks with twins (& rafter, aka chunk the cat clawing my leg)

8 weeks with a singleton (with scouty chewing on my fingers, & yes, that's a baby bump, i'm not that plump normally!) there are no pics between weeks 8 & 13 with this pg, bc i am lame. i'll try to document better in the future, but i was flaky with pics for the twins too... regardless, i thought i few comparison shots throughout would be fun (for me at least!)


  1. You look great! And that shirt looks way better on you than it did on me :)

  2. You look great! I will be interested to see the comparison pictures later on in your pregnancy. Amazing how our body works!

  3. I love to compare pictures/pregnancies!!! I did that with both of mine....although both singletons, but it was still fun!

    Very cute!

    And I agree, it will be fun to see the difference in 2nd and 3rd trimesters!
