Thursday, March 11, 2010

the big SNIP SNIP

i finally worked up the courage to talk to N about his anticipated vasectomy. other than my initial knee-jerk reaction when i found out we were expecting #3 just 6 mos after the dudes were born, i've felt pretty solidly anti-vas.ectomy, but have been afraid to say anything. (& i know exactly how awful i am for feeling that way after being lucky enough to wind up with a surprise pg so many women would kill for. it was rotten of me, & i feel like an awful mother for even admitting it, but it's how i felt. i wasn't ready & was pretty much just shocked. needless to say, i'm happily anticipating 3's arrival NOW, but it took me a few months to get there. i'm sorry for acting like a jerk about it, it's just how i felt.)

i don't know WHY exactly i was afraid to bring it up, but i just had this dread of talking about it to N. i think in part, bc i have a hard time justifying my feelings. we had always talked about 3 kids, but i also always wanted a big family & 3 just doesn't feel "big" to me. i didn't want to re-nig on our pre-marriage kids discussion, but i also wanted to be honest with my husband, & honest with myself. i don't want regrets 10 yrs down the road, & i don't want to resent him for preventing us from having kids or him to resent me for pushing a 4th child. & while i'm not sure i WANT #4, i'm even less sure that i DON'T. i just don't want to make that kind of decision while i'm a super-emotional preggo, he's freaked out about work, & we're both facing 3 kids under 2.

so here's my list of reasons why a vas.ectomy is not a good idea right now (obviously entirely from my point of view):
  1. it creeps me out. i have a paranoid (but very real) fear that something will go wrong with the surgery. even tho it's low-risk, outpatient stuff, i still really hate the idea of any one tampering with my husband's p.enis. it's a huge turn-off for me, & i can't quite place my finger on why.
  2. i *think* i might want another kid. (& this is the biggest part of why i don't want to do anything permanent.)
  3. i don't want to make a permanent decision as a response to a surprise pregnancy. i mentioned above my reaction to finding out about 3, & i don't want N to rush out & get snipped in response to an "oops". life changing decisions shouldn't be made based on emotions, & i think we're both (him especially) pretty stressed at the idea of adding a newborn to the mix right now with the dudes just barely heading into toddler-hood.

so that's what i finally shared with N. i didn't ask him NOT to get cut. in the end, it's his body & a spouse's feelings go only so far. instead, i asked him to postpone things, & reconsider a year after #3 gets here. i told him we'd look into a more certain form of bc (he's understandably gun-shy of pills) & he agreed to postpone the decision. which i feel is a good step.

so while nothing is finally resolved, i feel loads better with my feelings out in the open, & N took it really well. he agreed right away, & didn't argue at all, & i absolutely love that he was so understanding about my anti-vasec.tomy woes. (big sigh of relief here!)


  1. I'm glad you talked with him! And happy it was well taken :)

  2. sounds like a good talk and a good end result to me. You are right, it is never a good idea to make these kinds of decisions while you are in the middle of something big.

  3. Definitely better to get it all out there. I firmly believe hiding things/feelings in a marriage is just the beginning of the end in most cases.

    Good to hear that he's willing to post-pone!

  4. whewf! as i was reading, i was going to suggest postponing any kind of decision for a year. it's such a huge decision, and while you're pregs with a surprise is like you said, full of emotion. you're both still young and who knows where you might be 5 or even 10 years down the line.
    so glad it went well. WOO for big discussions going well!

  5. I second what Mollie said...I'm glad he was able to see your point of view. Maybe y'all could do two forms of birth control (like pills and condoms). I'm really against doing anything permanent unless it is like a duggar situation (but that is just me!).

  6. Well..

    If you were to ask me what MY gut feeling on the subject is, I would tell you, I have always seen you with 4. Number 4 being awhile away V and C being school age.

    That said, I think making a choice like that so soon after the boy's birth, and finding out about #3 is a big mistake.

    It is not something that you go into lightly (which your not). I think you know in your heart when your done. If you are not sure, then I think that is your answer.

  7. Ditto what every one else has already said lad he understands why you dont want him to get clipped just yet
