Friday, September 25, 2009

6 Month Dr. Visit Update

being cute in their high chairs :)
(yes, daddy was feeding them in front of the TV. mom made a "babies eat in the kitchen" rule this morning after finding dried rice cereal in the carpet.)
The boys' 6 mo. stats:

Conrad is 26 inches long, 17.25 in. head,16 lbs & .5 oz.

Val is 26 inches long, 17 in. head, 16 lbs & 7.5 oz.


doc says they're prefect (of course) & developmentally are just about 6 mos., they're still on the preemie charts growth-wise, however. (although they're in the 90th precentile for height & 95th for weight, so i'm thinking by their 9 mo. check up they should be all caught up!)

& we got an ok to start on more foods. he actually said they can eat everything we eat, except honey, but including peanut butter & eggs. (obviously in a consistency that is not a choking hazard.) i'm ok with this, since recent research says withholding foods can actually cause allergies bc of the lack of exposure, but i was surprised to hear it's endorsed by the pedi's too. anyone else hear this?

so we started them on squash this morning, which they LOVED. i expected them to take a while to warm up to it, but they dove right in. :) if nothing else, my kids love to eat! they're also both napping at the moment. crazy. today is like a magical baby day where everything just seems to go right. :)

(of course, now i've jinxed myself.... we'll see...)

we're also doing the flu vaccines. both seasonal & H1N1. i just think it makes sense, especially since N comes into contact with SO many people (lots of whom are very dirty) bc of his job. so vaccines for the whole family this year. they did ok with their shots yesterday... always makes val a little cranky for the rest of the day, but he was back to his cheery self this morning.


  1. I'm glad the shots went okay! And the boys look so cute - even if they are sitting in front of the t.v. :)

  2. The boys are so big and handsome!!

  3. They are growing so well, and so's like, whoa, where has the time gone! THey are to cute...

  4. My daughter loved squash too! I can't believe how big they are!! so cute!

  5. They are bigger (weight and height) than Noah was at his 6 month check up! Way to go boys!
