Wednesday, January 6, 2010

all boys all the time? (& a travel update)

travel update first-- i was debating whether to go up north for the weekend, solo, & leave N alone with the boys. it would be nice to have some "just me" time before #3 gets here, but it's not going to be this weekend. i had actually decided to go, since i thought my dad was staying in town, but my dad is going north too (& my mom is already up there) & i just don't feel comfortable leaving N alone with the boys for 3 days without any back-up. it's not that i don't trust the man, it's that he's never been alone with them for more than 3 hrs at a stretch, & i think he underestimates how tough it is. also i think they're coming down with little colds, & with val a little cold can quickly turn into scary asthma situation, & without any one else here, that would mean BOTH boys get dragged to docs/urgent care, etc & i don't like that idea much either. & the weather is supposed to get nasty tomorrow. so all of this combined means that worry-wart mom will be much happier staying home with her guys this weekend.
besides, the house up north isn't going anywhere. N has a long weekend every other week, so i'll get another chance to go up in 2 weeks. & that's that.

in other news, on to boys-- i'm starting to hope #3 is a boy. weird, huh? not that i would be in any way disapointed with a daughter, i've just been having boy leanings lately. (i have no thoughts about what #3 is, i just mean i've been thinking how much fun 3 dudes would be.) people keep telling me that i seem like a "boy" mom recently too. i'm not sure what that means. my best friend said that she just sees me as a mom of all boys, & i've heard it from several others too. i'm not sure what it is about me as a mom that says "boy". what makes a "boy" mom? or a "girl" mom?
i've never really thought of anyone as a mom of a specific gender before. i've thought that a girl or boy would be good for someone (usually i think super-girly women should have a boy, just to balance things out or vice versa) but i don't think of myself as either super-girly or as a tom-boy, so i'm puzzled by the "boy" mom comments. not distressed at all (i love boys) just confused.

& finally-- good luck & lots of ELV to mandy!!! we're really hoping today is the day she finally gets to hold her little n!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't blame you for not going with all that combined, I think I would stay home too!

    I think of you as a mom, never as a genderified mom, but now that you mention it... ;)

    and finally, YES, ELV for Mandy!
