Tuesday, January 12, 2010

twins v. singleton pics: part III

i still don't feel like posting much, so i'm cheating by posting more pictures! eventually i'll post something of substance again...

here's me at 19 weeks with the boys:
& me at 19 weeks with #3. i think they're close to the same... maybe slightly bigger with the dudes....


  1. You look great Kate!

    i agree, you do seem to be at about the same size, maybe #3's position is just right to make it appear the same?

    You do look great though! Thank you for posting, I love belly pics!

  2. You are most certainly smaller with the baby girl you are carrying ;). I know you said you think you may want another boy, but dang it, I have a lot of cute girl stuff to share with you!

  3. You look great! I think you look just a tad smaller with this one. But for 19 weeks you look pretty darn awesome in both pics!

  4. LOL well.... Yeah I notice strange things, your butt and boobs were bigger with the boys. I think your belly looks a little smaller.

    Your belly still screams girl to me.
