Sunday, January 17, 2010

why i don't tell people we used clomid. (or, shut up & mind your own business)

i'm not ashamed or embarassed that we used clomid to concieve our boys. after the loss of our second son, i had a uterine infection from retained tissue, multiple D&C's & drugs to clear things up, & no longer ovulated on my own. you can't get pregnant without ovulating & clomid did that for us. we used it responsibly & under medical supervision, & with full knowledge that it might result in multiples (especially since fraternal twins already run in my family.) i am thrilled that it worked for us, & that it helped bring us our sweet boys.
when i was pregnant, i swore i would never be one of those women who wouldn't discuss her struggles, or who'd mind talking about what we needed to do to get pregnant.

& then we had twins, & the comments started.

my biggest pet peeve is other twin moms, who didn't need help concieving & therefore view their twins as the "real thing". as though somehow i am less of a twin mom bc i was on clomid when we concieved. moms who use IVF, IUI's, or plain old fertilty drugs are no less of a mother, & i hated hearing the smug insinuations of "fertile" moms of multiples. if someone concieves a singleton while using fertility treatments, she doesn't hear "well, MY baby is the real thing bc we concieved him without drugs" so why do those of us lucky enough to have multiples have to be subjected to it?
the other reason i quit talking about clomid is just the plain insensitivity of most people. for me, our need to use clomid will be forever linked to the loss of our son & a very dark time in life. in the time since then, unfortunately i've found that most people are not sensitive to the realities of pregnancy loss. through well-meaning ignorance, or just plain callousness, they make too many cruel comments & my skin just isn't thick enough to brush them off consistently.

so i no longer discuss conception with most people. strangers get a complete brush off, bc frankly, it really is none of their business. (to me a stranger asking how we concieved our boys is akin to asking what sexual position we used. it's intrusive & rude, & will always get a polite "i don't discuss that with people i don't know.") & for most others, unless it's approached with respect, sensitivity & compassion, i simply refuse to discuss it. i NEVER ask other moms how they concieved (with the exception of fertility & TTC forums, etc, where those questions are invited), bc i assume that if they wanted me to know, they would have shared that information with me.
privacy is already too devalued in our society, & i don't understant the need to pry into the most private details of a person's life, such as conception, & then comment on that person's choices. my sons are no less my sons bc we needed help to concieve them. i am their real mom, they ARE real people (all 4 of them, my boys in heaven & my boys here on earth), & if you can't approach a fellow mother with compassion & respect, then shut up & mind your own business.



    Leigh (Leigh0312)

  2. Amen!!! I have recieved so many rude comments from people who viewed my losses as something I must have been doing wrong. I just don't talk about it anymore.
    Although, on the other hand, I have a family friend who concieved her son using Clomid and when we were first told that would be our best chance of conceiving I went to her for advice and was totally blown off. She treated me like I was a horrible person for asking about her experience with Clomid. I couldn't beleive that someone who had also struggled with infertility could treat me that way. I have sworn I will never act that way when I am approached for advice on infertitilty, it was awful.
    I am so thankful for my all the people who compassionately helped me get through all of this!! Kate definitely included. :)

  3. i didn't mean to imply i wouldn't talk with some one going thru a similar situation. i'm happy to discuss what we went through with some one who brings up the topic with respect & compassion (like i'm sure you did, candi!) i just won't put up with the morons out there who feel the need to knock down those of us who struggled.

  4. Well, if anyone says crap like that, tell them to look up their twin facts...
    and mothers of multiples should already know their twin facts...
    I twins have NOTHING to do with clomid...F twins, sometimes, but not always if the mother has family history...
    if they are stupid enough to not care to investigate, then they don't deserve any kind of answer...
    Yes, I have experience with this question. "Oh you have (had) twins? Fertility treatment?" Me..."No Identical twins are a fluke of fate, and so just plain ole romps in the sack was all it took, want more information?"
    People are insensitive and dumb.

  5. I completely agree with you Kate. I am unsure what is wrong with people and why it matters to them if you had "fertility treatments" or not. Your twins got here just the same as any other wanted baby, through love, alot of love..

  6. Im sorry Kate! I didn't mean to imply you wouldn't be open to talking about it. I probably worded it wrong. I was just totally shocked that the someone who had been through the same struggles could be so rude.
