Monday, May 25, 2009

everything smells

in the wee small hours of yesterday morning, we woke to crying babies (not unusual). i got up to fix bottles, & on my way to the kitchen, i walk pass the laundry room & notice that our hall has turned into a swamp of murky laundry water (this is unusual).

i had been doing laundry & the plug to the basin where the water drains had fallen in to the basin & plugged the stupid drain. ALL the water had run out, into our first floor hall & closet. & of course the laundry room was flooded too. awesome. meanwhile, the babies are still crying. so i throw down some towels, get bottles, & go help N feed the guys. of course, this doesn't go well either. both dudes start projectile puking all over. & i mean all over. their cribs, our bed, the carpet, us, themselves. i had no idea so much milk could come out of such small people. so now, not only is our 1st floor flooded, but every piece of laundry that could be dirty, is. at this point, we give up. N has to be at work in 2 hours, the 2 of us combined have slept maybe 4 hours total, & when Val pukes in our bed again after N has passed out, I just clean the baby & then throw down more towels so i can sleep on top.

all the mess was still waiting for me when i got up for the day a little before 5, & things were looking even better bc now everything smelled either like baby puke or mildew. yee-ha. so i wait til 8, then call my folks & plead for help. thank god they live so close! they were here in maybe 20 minutes, & brought fans for our carpet, & coffee for me. (did i mention we were out of coffee filters? yeah.) anyways, after doing laundry ALL DAY yesterday & cleaning like crazy, things smell a bit better, although it's going to take a while for our carpet to totally dry. (thank goodness we're planning on ditching the carpet entirely soon.)

so yesterday was super fun. & N missed it all. sometimes i think he's got the easy job, dealing with crooks & drug dealers all day long!


  1. Oh no!!!! That would be awful! Thank god it is summer, open the windows turn on the a/c and let the place air out for awhile.

    The carpet, I would not ditch it all (unless your going with more carpet) The PT/OT people were disappointed we went with hardwood, guess it makes it harder on development. *sigh* So most of C's PT/OT is done in his room where we still have carpet.

    ((HUGS)) I am sure you could use some.

  2. What a night/day! Thank God your parents live closer and can help!!

  3. (((HUGS))) Sounds like a rough day! Atleast you were able to have your parents help you.
