Friday, May 29, 2009

Seriously Cute

How cute is this kid? Con was just grinning it up when we were playing just now, & I had to post this, I just love it!
And my sweet Val sleeping. Haven't been able to catch his smile yet... but trust me, it's as cute as his bro's!


  1. Awww! Both photos are just too cute!

  2. That is SO flippin adorable!!!! And oh my heck, it finally shows me as being in Hillsboro, OR again instead of Toronto, Ontario!!!! hooraaaaaay

  3. you captured two of the best moments of mother hood....

  4. Adorable pics!! Btw, my twins were born just the day before yours (and were almost the same size, too...5lbs 1oz and 5lbs 4oz). How neat!
