Friday, May 22, 2009

Update on the Kidlets

We had their 2 month check on Wednesday & all looks good! They got their first round of vaccinations. (Yup, we're doing all of them-- there is no proven link between autism & vaccinations, there is no longer mercury in vaccinations, & I personally think it is incredibly stupid to put your child at risk for a bunch of very scary diseases.)

Anyways, back to our update-- They're growing really well. In fact, they grew so much that they're actually on the normal baby scale! They're in the 90th percentile size-wise for 2mo. old preemies. On the regular baby scale, they're at the 6th percentile for 2mo. olds, which yes, is small, but considering the fact that they aren't even supposed to be measurable on that scale yet, N & I were super thrilled! Val is 10lbs 8.5oz & 21.5inches, & Con was 9lbs 15.5oz & 21 3/4 inches(he's still fighting reflux, so he's gaining a little slower, but still in a healthy range.) They also ordered an ultrasound of their hips, which was never done in the NICU. Apparently since Con was breech & I'm pretty small to carry twins, they're at higher risk for hip dislocation bc they were so smushed at the end of the pregnancy. We have no reason to believe anything is wrong, so this is just precautionary.

We've also had 2 nights were they slept 4 hrs in a row! I'm SOOOO excited about that-- the extra sleep makes you feel like a whole new person. Developmentally, they both can smile (not consistently, but they're working on it) they're starting to coo, & they can lift their heads & turn them side to side when on their bellies. They can track objects with their eyes & are starting to have a couple long bouts of wide awake "playtime" everyday. Their technical adjusted age is 2 weeks, but the doc thinks they're more like 4 weeks developmentally, so they're catching up!! :)


  1. What a great update!! I am so thrilled for you and your boys!!


  2. That's fantastic!!

    I did all the vaccinations too. :)

    Smiles!! Those early random ones were always so sweet. :)

  3. What a great update! That is some awesome growth, Braden had great growth numbers and he was only 10lbs 3 oz. at his 2 months, great job Kate!

    I agree on the vacinations. Enjoy those little smiles, before you know it they will be grinning ear to ear when they see you and cooing away.

  4. Wow thats great! What strong healthy little boys you have there.

  5. I'm right there with ya on the vaccinations!

    Yeah for your boys growing so well! Way to go boys and way to go mommy!!!!!
