For those of you don't want to hear about my sex life, quit reading now. For the rest of you, sorry guys, but I have to vent!
For those who don't know, I was on pelvic rest basically my entire pregnancy with the guys, at first due to baby A's (now known as Val) placenta being over my cervix, & later due to the preterm labor scare. & then there was the 6 week wait post c-section. Since then, we manage to get it on maybe once a week. N is feeling deprived, since prior to the pregnancy, we were an every day couple. He's been fairly patient, but I know he's frustrated, & in turn I'm getting frustrated with him for pouting over the lack of sex.
Case in point: Last night, we got the boys to bed early & jumped in bed ourselves for some fun. Of course, as the mommies among you know, as soon as we got in bed, the guys woke up & started crying for food. & there is no way I can focus on sex when my little ones need me, you know? Hungry babies come first, in my mind. So we get up to feed the guys, which ends up being an hour long process bc of Con's reflux attacks & Val's huge appetite. By the time they're back in bed, I am exhausted & sex is the last thing on my mind. (Did I mention I haven't slept more than four hours for the past week? & I mean broken up 4 hours, not a 4 hour stretch. & I let N take a giant 4 hour nap yesterday afternoon bc he was getting super cranky. So yeah, I was (& am) really tired.) N, of course, wants to pick up where we left off, & when I say I have to sleep, he gets all disapointed & pouty. Which leaves me feeling guilty, so I try to explain to him that it's not that I don't want to have sex, it's that I can't be all things to all 3 men in my life at all times right now-- there just aren't enough hours in the day to keep them all happy & still have time to sleep, let alone 2 minutes to myself. I know the "mom" role is taking precedence over the "wife" role right now, & I feel bad about that, but I'm doing the best I can.
I'm on my own for 14 hours a day with the boys when N works, & when he's home, I'm still the one doing laundry, washing bottles, doing the grocery shopping, the cooking, & taking care of the critters at least 80% of the time. I have to prompt him to do baby things (i.e. it's time to change the babies, it's time to feed the babies, play with the babies, whatever.) He is totally willing to hang out with the guys, but he's not very self-motivated. (& then I second guess myself, & think maybe it's just me being all type-A about this stuff. But seriously, if the baby is hungry, you feed him. you don't wait until he's screaming hysterically. seems obvious to me, but maybe it's not.) & yes, N works & I don't, so the majority of the baby care is my "job" & I don't mind doing it, but I feel then he shouldn't be surprised when I'm exhausted at the end of the day & not up for sex.
& finally, (this is about to be TMI, sorry), but sex still hurts for me. It's fun during, but not so fun after. It's nothing permanent & is totally related to me still breastfeeding & the birth control I'm on right now, but still, it sucks. & knowing that I'm going to be really uncomfortable for a good while afterwards does not provide much incentive to get it on frequently.
& N really is (mostly) understanding about all this. Or at least he says the right things, but it's just lip service. I know he's annoyed but just won't say so. I would almsot rather he just b****ed about it like any other guy instead of playing the martyr with me. It's a temporary problem for pete's sake, at some point I will stop breastfeeding, the boys will start sleeping & I can switch birthcontrol pills. But for now, I'd appreciate a bit more understanding & a bit less pouting.
If he was serious about getting more, then an offer to let me nap, or have an hour to myself, or even just initiating some baby care on his own without me prompting him would go a long way towards getting me in bed more often. Honestly, at this point, although it is still fun during & I know it's good for our relationship, sex has become just one more thing I have to do to keep my family happy. It's a job. & I know that really offends N, but at least I'm still willing to have sex, right? Why can't he just take advantage of the fact that I'm willing, without being insulted about how I shouldn't feel "obligated"? Of course, I'm obligated, I'm his wife! If I really didn't want to, I wouldn't.
I know this has turned into a really long rant, but I have one more complaint, & it has nothing to do with N. I know that I should consider myself lucky that my husband still finds me attractive enough to want to have sex with me, despite the fact that my a** has so many stretch marks on it that it looks like a detailed map of Detroit. (Either that, or he's so desperate I could be Medusa & he'd take his chances just to get laid!) But I don't feel attractive. I feel pudgy, & totally tore up from the neck down. Having twins destroys your body if you're short & skinny, & I'm only 2 1/2 mos. post delivery. Don't get me wrong, the boys are absolutely worth it, & I'm sure it will get better with time, but feeling super ugly does NOT inspire one to get naked, you know? Of course, that's my own personal problem & exists just in my own head, but it's still there. N was never one to give alot of compliments, & I never needed them before, but it sure might help to hear some now. Although asking for them jsut seems pathetic, you know?
ReplyDeleteThat totally reminds me of the time after I had my daughter. Honestly, I would tell him the part about needing some time alone, even if it's to nap or take a long shower. My DH was the SAME way when it came to baby stuff, he helped, but really only by being prompted. And I can so relate on the "he works all day" but dude, you WORK ALL day. Not 9-5, 24 hours a day, every day. He won't understand that so you'll have to talk about it.
My DH wasn't super helpful so I told him i was going on a vacation with my bff to NY and he had our dd for a few days. He sure changed his tune after that, after he saw how much work it was.
ReplyDeleteNot much more I can say, my sex life sucks, so I have no words of wisdom.
Just ((HUGS))
I'm sorry you're going through this. My sex life isn't so great right now either. I just do not feel in the mood most of the time, and when/if I actually am in the mood, like you, it hurts really bad after. I think I have a yeast infection, that's what it feels like. Oh, and I can't hit the big O so well right now either. Sorry, TMI. Also on the not feeling like you look attractive? me too. I feel fat, and I hadn't showered in several days and he still wanted to GIO with me.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I didn't mean to overtake your rant, but I can totally relate in some ways.
thanks guys, at least i know i'm not alone! & N has never been alone with the guys for more than 2-3 hrs at a stretch. i've seriously been daydreaming about running off by myself for a few days, but since i'm still bf-ing the best i can do is maybe disapear for a day. you know, maybe i'll just do that one of these days. if i can find something to do with myself...
ReplyDeleteanyways, thanks for the sympathy guys! you all are awesome
I feel for you! I felt the same way for the first well...I guess I still do! What I hate is that B acts like I have sit on my butt all day, so I should be well rested and ready to go when he gets home. So, sorry, I don't have any advice, only sympathy!
ReplyDeleteBefore you got pregs you were an every day couple? Holy shit don't tell my husband!! Poor guy was lucky to have gotten it a few times a month! I wish I had the kind of drive to make me want it even once a week. He's pretty much left me alone the whole pregnancy because he's weirded out that he's going to poke the baby (I know, he's such a weirdo and pretty naive), but go figure, I get paranoid the second he isn't trying to get it on! Sorry, none of that was helpful, I just had to comment on the every day thing!
ReplyDeleteKate- the way you feel is right on.
ReplyDeleteIs sex hurting because of the act of penetration or because of the O? If it is the penetration could you offer up a little oral fun for him instead? If it is the O, try to think of something bad, gross, whatever so that you don't have one.
I really hate giving Oral fun..but at the end of my pregnancy and shortly after baby K was born, I gave in. It met his needs without me having to go with the flow.
You need to have a total freak out session in front of N (even if you fake it!) and say all the things you just wrote to us. Let him see that this is really impacting you. And that if he wants you to have time and energy to enjoy sex and not just do it to do it, then he needs to pitch in, unasked, daily.
Sorry you are frustrated, that blows (no pun intended).
LOL at the no pun intended. I wasn't thinking along those lines until you said that, Karianne. LOL!!
ReplyDeleteAnyway, if you aren't into oral, you can always just use your hands. um, if there was a blushing emoti guy, I'd be using that right now. LOL
lol-- it does blow!!
ReplyDeletethe problem is actually that the bf-ing & progesterone only bc pills make things as dry as the sahara, & no amouny of lube totally solves the ouch factor.
we had a bit of a convo on this topic last night, & whil i did not really freak out, he is at least washing bottles right now & i get the day to myself to work in my garden, ( now i just have to make myself REALLY take the day & not pop in every 1/2 hr to make sure everyone is ok!)
I think I have a better chance at understanding quantum physics than the dynamics of sex after childbirth.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I can absolutely relate to is the body image issues. If I'm not feeling attractive, I cannot in any way feel aroused. And post-childbirth I did NOT feel attractive! I don't expect to feel particularly sexy after this baby either.
On top of that, the post-pregnancy hormone changes, combined with sheer exhaustion, combine to leave me feeling completely asexual. And all this after a singleton pregnancy! I can only imagine what you must be feeling.
I do think women get the short end of the stick post-pregnancy. I've done both jobs - the career woman who put in 12-14 hours a day, and the stay at home mom. And I can honestly say that mom is the harder job by far. There is no quitting time, no opportunity to shift gears. We are on the clock 24/7, and yet expected to be a good wife who can turn on the sex drive with the flip of the switch.
So... I guess it's obvious I don't have any advice. But I have lots & lots of sympathy for you. Oh yeah... and I really feel for you on the lack of compliments. I even TOLD my husband "look honey, I just need for you to maybe hug me out of the blue, or tell me I look pretty with my hair down or that you feel lucky to be married to such a sexy mom". Hell, I offered to write down a few suggestions that he could memorize! And yet... he could not, would not, did not and will not do it. And boy could I use it.
I hope N has an epiphany soon and comes home and sweeps you off your feet!
I have no advice for you but i just thought I would say I must be a really crappy wife cause sex is the last thing on my mind and dh hasnt gotten any since a month or two before the baby was born and that was 10 days after ur lo's It hurts to have a c sec and it takes a while to heal So i really have to hand it to you , you are a stronger person than i am .. I hope n really starts to step up and gives you more time to your self me and dh had the same issue after our first too it took him a while to get use to having a baby in the house and a while for him to relize he needed to help with out being asked Rachael
ReplyDeleteThis goes in order of each of the things you said...yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!!!