Saturday, August 8, 2009

Finally Putting Together the Babies' Room

The boys' room in progress:
(I never put it together before they were born, & the cribs are still in our room, but at least I'm finally got some of the wall art up! the decals are from a site I found online-- they are removeable & I totally love them. they're really bold, graphic designs & the little dudes seem to like looking at them.)

this is the wall with most of the decals. the woodland scene is near the floor, at baby-eye level, & the savana scene is up by the diaper changing area.
a close up of the woodland scene

a close up of the african savana scene

the view from the door way, with one of the curtains my mom made for us. the cribs have matching bedskirts, & she made us a floor pillow out of the same material.


  1. those decals are awesome!! i've never seen anything like them!

  2. super the curtain!

    I can't believe you would allow a silly little bed rest keep you from woking on their room...geesh

  3. I really like those decals - very cute! :)

  4. Awesome! Their room looks great!
