Wednesday, August 19, 2009

TEETH! (or- Kate's 4th Career Change)

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna do it. I have been doing a ton of research & calling around to local schools & I think dental hygiene might just be the place for me. Of course, I can't just apply to the DH program I want, I have to take a bunch of science classes & other stuff first, since I was a English/history major in college & law school doesn't really cover alot of human biology, you know? So-- this fall, I think I'll try to pick up a couple at the local community college here, & hopefully be ready to apply for the 2010 school year. Worst case scenario, I have to wait for the 2011 class & then graduate in 2013. Still not bad, all things considered. & then I could be (finally) done with school forever.
It really irks me that the program I want has some random stupid classes, totally unrelated to anything dental, that I still have to take. I understand needing a First Aid course, & nutrition makes sense, but come on-- American government? are they kidding? I have TONS of history, plenty of American-specific history, 3 years of law school, & they need a government class? Part of me feels I'm too old for this sh*t. Sigh.
I've also had some mini-tiffs with N about financial aid. Obviously I will apply for anything & everything I qualify for, but when I told him not to expect too much in the way of grants, etc, he got all pissy with me, like I'm intentionally throwing away free money. Now, I've been in one higher education program or another since I was 18. I am practically a professional student. I also worked as a financial aid counselor for kids applying to high school. When it comes to finding $ for school, I know my stuff. I don't know what he expects from me, but I can't force people to give me free money, just because he thinks they should. I'll try, but I also think we should have realistic expectations about what this will cost us, you know? It's not a huge deal, & I think he's coming around, I was just really annoyed at him treating me like a 17 yr old kid applying for college for the 1st time. Some times I think he forgets that I actually have capabilities beyond that of a mom & homemaker. (& lets be honest, I'm a pretty crappy housekeeper! although I think I'm a good mom, & I'm turning into a decent cook...)
Anyway, I'm back from my tangent now.... I also talked to my mom about babysitting while I'm in class, & she's willing. She sounded supportive of my decision. It's my dad who will no doubt have something to say about it, but whatever. Like N said-- he's not footing the bill (& hasn't been since I was 18) so he has no say in the matter. I just have to keep reminding myself to quit letting him in my head.

1 comment:

  1. Woot for school! Hopefully they don't make you take the make believe crap they always throw in there. i heart school :)
