i really appreciate the kind comments on my last post. i feel very lucky to know such generous women (even if it is in a "blogging" way!)
melissa- embrodery is pretty fun.... i tried that recently... i just don't have the talent to do real sewing, so if you learn how i want to see samples so i can gawk in awe! :) if you can sew a handkerchief, i'll be impressed. not bc i don't think you're talented, but bc i am so hopelessly inept when it comes to sewing.
& yes karianne, baby farts are hysterical. it never ceases to amaze how such huge noises can come out of such little butts. i'm actually giggling just thinking about it... :)
when we were visiting my in-laws, con was sitting with his grandparents, & ripping some HUGE ones. no one was saying anything, & finally my MIL looks at N's dad & goes "geez, what's wrong with you?? go to the bathroom!" & got mad at him when he tried to blame the baby (the real ripper.) a truly priceless family moment :)
((hugs)) to everyone else kind enough to send me some "chin up" words-- you guys rock.
& m- i love you too :)
lol to the baby farts. the farting just gets better. My favorite is going to a restaurant and my daughter will do it. :) so loudly, so openly such freedom