Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i am a packrat.

i admit it.
we cleaned up alot of the crap in our house this weekend. stuff we've each been moving from home to home for years, & figured since we're now all "settled" & grown-up, we should purge. so we did. & for me, i was pretty ruthless, but n & i have very different theories on "ruthless". he tosses everything. & i mean everything. he's thrown out brand new books & mo vies. like never opened. & then 2 months later, wonders why they're gone. granted, i tend toward the other extreme, but at least i don't throw out stuff we still use.
needless to say, we had a few spats this weekend. one over my super fancy $200 jeans from my past life, that will probably never fit again, but to me are some kind of symbol of my former hotness (or something.), another over our wedding pics, & conrad's prevacid, both of which n tried to toss. it's like the man goes into hyperdrive, & if its not bolted down, it's gone. so i agreed to sell the jeans if he stayed far far away from all things baby & wedding related.
he also insisted that i keep some trashy bar-hopping clothes (that might as well be lingerie) from my college days. i have to pause here & say that i have plenty of nice, classy sexy little nothings hanging in my closet. what is it with dudes & sleazy outfits? i don't mind dressing up, but looking like a hooker past her prime is not my idea of hot. sigh... i guess as long as he's happy... whatever.

& the boys...
are both great. napping right now, con next to me & val in my lap. i don't care if this is spoiling them, they're sleeping dammit!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I did the same thing a few months ago. And then i got rid of all my clothes from my late teens/early twenties. My DH didn't even know i still had them, but i was like c'mon when am i going to go clubbing again? i didn't like it then, i certainly don't want to go now :)

    dude, i took naps with my daughter in our bed when she was a baby. it was pure heaven :)
