Saturday, August 29, 2009


sorry for the swearing in the title. i try to be clean, but some days you just need a 4 letter word, & today is one.

N got his unofficial notice today. Officially, they have to be given 30 days notice of any layoff per their contract, & good old gov. granholm came out this morning & told the "state unions" to prepare their members for layoffs this fiscal year. The new fiscal year starts Oct. 1, & the only state union is the troopers association, so essentially she told all the state cops that their notice is coming this week. awesome.
of course, if our state reps ever manage to pull their heads from their rears & get going on the budget, things could hypothetically turn around at the last minute. but the way things have been going in michigan of late, we can't count on it.
N is going to start putting out applications to local agencies on monday. i'm scared for our family, but i'm also really sad for him on a personal level. he wanted to be a state trooper since he was 12-- this is (was) his dream job & he is excellent at it. i know he'll do whatever he needs to in order to keep our family secure, but i know what a blow it is to have your dream job taken from you. of course, at the moment he's mostly furiously angry, but i know the disappointment will come.

i guess we just have to have faith that we'll get through this ok... i told N this morning, it's kind of like he told me when we lost our son last year-- just bc a path leads you through some very dark valleys doesn't mean that its going to end there. we can't read the future, so we just have to do the best with what we're given.


  1. I'm sorry. I hope that he finds something that he likes doing again.

  2. I'll be praying for you guys!! that really sucks monkey nuts.

  3. ugh! maybe this is why I am so irritated today, morons who can't pull their head out of their butt and look at the bigger picture.


  4. (((HUGS))) I hope he is able to find something quickly!

  5. Kate, that is awful! What a stupid governor you have. I don't understand how they think taking police off the streets is going to be a GOOD decision??? Makes me angry for you and N. I will continue to pray for you guys!
