Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Over the Top? Really?

the lovely Iiri & beautiful Kim (i think... did you mean me, kim? i'm pretending like you did!) nominated me for this lovely award (my 1st) thanks guys! so here goes:

You can only use 1 word.
Pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers.
Alert them you have given them the award.
Have fun!

1. where is your cell phone? table
2. your hair? up
3.your mother? hero
4. your father? trying
5.your favorite food? dolma
6. your dream last night? weird
7. favorite drink? martini
8. your dream/goal? attainable
9. what room are you in? family
10. your hobby? painting
11. your fear? blindness
12. where do you want to be in 6 years? content
13.where were you last night? bed
14. something that you aren't? awake
15. muffins? blueberry
16. wish list item? videocamera
17.where did you grow up? ypsi
18.last thing you did? bottles
19. what are you wearing? pj's
20. your tv? natgeo
21. your pets? messy
22. friends? welcome
23. your life? hectic
24. your mood? HUNGRY
25. missing someone? sarah
26. vehicle? hooptie!
27. something you're not wearing? socks
28. your favorite store? borders
29. your favorite color? green
30. when was the last time you laughed? today
31. last time you cried? saturday
32. your best friend? M
33. one place i go over & over? meijers
34. one person who emails me regularly? grandpa
35. favorite place to eat? pita-pita (its hyphenated! if iiri can do it, so can i!!)

I'm going to break the rules here, & just say that if you read my blog, you're nominated-- i love you all, & couldn't pick! (plus, i don't know how to do that cool name-link thing. does anyone want to tell me how? i'll be grateful forever!!)


  1. To link to other blogs....

    While typing your entry, if you wanted to link to a blog you could do the following:

    (using my blog as an example)

    "Have you read what MrsCaptain has to say about this subject?"
    You would highlight my name and then click on the icon that has a little earth with a staple looking item above it. This would then present a pop up that you would put my blog url in. OR you could highlight "this subject" and follow the same process but link directly to a post by right clicking on title, choosing copy link, and putting that URL into the pop up instead....

    NOw your next post MUST have a link to MY blog ! :)

  2. rock on!! i am about to test it right now....

  3. If it helps any Kate, I didn't know how to do it either until about 2 weeks ago when Mandy told me how on CM...and it's the same here, so I transferred that knowledge! LOL!

  4. Of course I meant you silly!!
