Saturday, October 24, 2009

Naps & Snacks

since the boys have been sickies all week, they've also been spoiled rotten. :) i don't mind in the least, when they feel crappy, i want them to know we're here to make them feel better. now that they're feeling better however, they little dudes have to re-learn how to entertain themselves & boy is it fun. actually it's not bad, but it has set us back in the napping department. my new plan is, (since they nap fine in their swings), to move the swings into the bedroom & have them nap in the swings in the bedroom. genius, right? my theory is that they'll get used to sleeping in the bedroom & i can then transition them to their cribs. we'll see how it works.... it took them a while to fall asleep today, but they are both now napping. in their swings. in the bedroom.

in other news, i am eating pretty much constantly to stave off morning sickness. zofran makes me dizzy & headachey, & phenergan knocks me out cold, so i'm only taking them in emergencies, which means i eat. & eat. & eat. it's a little ridiculous. & of course it's not healthy carrot sticks & salads that keep the puking at bay, it's cupcakes & apple pie & anything pickled. (& lately, pistachios.) with the boys, i gained over 90lbs. (granted, 20 of it was in the last week of the pregnancy when i had preeclampsia & swelled up like a grotesque balloon, but still... it's alot of weight.) i only got back down to 120 before i got KU this time, & i'm a little worried i'm going to end up weighing 200lbs again. sigh.

i'm not trying NOT to gain weight, since that's not healthy for the peanut, but i'd like to gain a normal amount this time, since this is a singleton & i won't need to double my body weight. (ok, i didn't really need to double last time, but they did want me to gain at least 70 lbs. which i was doing, until the pre-e hit.) of course, i also can't NOT eat, bc then i'll be too pukey to function. my hope is that when the pukiness abates i can go back to eating like a normal person.


  1. Good luck, I love the idea of napping in their swings in the bedroom, hopefully you're on to something there!

    As far as the weight gain, I hear ya... if eating helps, then eat...the m/s hopefully won't last to long, and you can make up for it later by eating healthier...ya know? If it makes you feel better, with Kae, I literally could only eat cool ranch doritos and fruit punch before 5 pm , then could barely hold down dinner and that's it...for 5 months!

    ~hugs~ you'll doing fine...and, uhm, share the pie!

  2. I'm glad that the boys are feeling better!

    Did you have the pukiness with the twin pregnancy? it may level out after you're in your second trimester :)

  3. unfortunately the pukiness with the twins was constant through the WHOLE pregnancy. good times. really hoping that doesn't happen this time...
