Monday, October 5, 2009


My kids love food. eating=fun in our house. (they are truly their father's boys!) anyways, here's some shots of the dudes enjoying their grub.

We're very into teething biscuits at the moment. Their approaches to eating them are totally different & they pretty much crack me up every time. Conrad dives in with gusto-- he turns the cookie around & around so that it's slimey all over, rubs it all over his face, & ends up with cookie in his ears, his hair, his eyebrows-- everywhere!
Val sucks on only one end of the cookie, & will only work that one end. he won't hold onto the slimey side, & if it falls, he insists that you hand him the dry end. And, as you can see, his face is clean as it can be when you're a baby eating a teething cookie.

When it comes to real grub however, the dude practically bathes in it. Here's Val covered in carrots. he likes to feed himself (i.e. knaw on a spoon he holds himself that is covered in food) so we end up with food on everything that's not covered by a bib.

& here's me & Conrad, who looooves his peas. Not only does he have peas up to his eyebrows in the picture, but he insisted on sucking all the peas off his fingers-- i guess they were too good to waste!


  1. Holy crap, Kate, you have the funniest/cutest kids EVAR. Seriously, I think Conrad is going to be a little clown, and I love how he's always got his eyes open WIDE. hehehe. And then that Val, he's such a serious little monkey, LOL!!! aww, I can't wait to see what kind of personality my little N is going to have :D

  2. Oh my goodness! that first pic of Con with his biscut had me busting out laughing! He looks so wild about that food. They are adorable.

  3. oh..... my....... GOD!!!! too stinkin cute!!!! i want to bite them!!!!!

  4. so cute!! i'd forgotten about those biscuits!! my daughter would get them nice and slimy and end up with crumbs everywhere too.
