Tuesday, October 20, 2009


boys are both sleeping & i am hoping they both take big long naps, since they're both sickies. poor dudes. of course, they're in their swings, not their cribs, but i'm also too sick to care & really i just want them to rest. we all had a rough couple of nights.

i did keep my doc appt yesterday, & for the record, the new baby is doing fine. hb was 126 bpm (yay!) & we were measuring 6w5d, which is only a week ahead of last time, but doc said not to worry. the rate of growth is good, & its just so hard to get a really accurate measurement when they're that small, probably all it means is that we aren't as far along as we thought. so another appt in 2 weeks & we should (finally) be able to date this pg & get an EDD.

dang it. conrad's awake.


  1. I hope you all start feeling better soon. Congrats on the great appointment yesterday!

  2. Glad to hear that the appt went well. I'm sorry you guys are sick :( That's hard to manage when you're sick too bc mommies rarely get to rest.

  3. Wasn't your last u/s just like a week and a half ago anyway? The growth sounds great to me! I can't wait for the next u/s...

  4. I am glad your appt went well - sounds like baby is growing well. Hope your little guys get to feeling better!

  5. Happy to hear #3 is doing well! I hope you start feel better very soon.

    Btw, I tagged you on my blog. I promise I won't be offended if you don't want to play along though :)
