Monday, October 12, 2009

my thoughts, itemized

item 1: i am not crazy, or brave, or stupid, or a glutton for punishment. sometimes birth control fails, folks. we're making the best of the hand we were dealt. & after all we went through to have the dudes, if this is a child we are meant to have, who am i to question it?
item 2: we had a fantastic time in chicago. it was one of those super fun weddings where everyone dances & the food is great & the booze prolific. (no, i wasn't drinking--calm down!) i even got to spend an unexpected amount of time with the bride & groom, who are 2 of my favorite people in the world. all in all, it was awesome.

item 3: the chicago marathon is HUGE. our hotel room faced the starting line & it took at least a half hour for everyone to cross.

item 4: the bride stole a few ideas i came up with for our wedding, which i loved. i think its such a great compliment when someone likes some quirky thing you did enough to replicate it on one of the most important days of her life. maybe it would have annoyed some folks, but i was totally tickled.

item 5: as nice as it was to have a night to ourselves, i missed my boys more than i can say. i was so excited to see them yesterday, i had N flooring it all the way home. i missed my cuddles so much, i even let the con man take a nap in my arms, which we haven't done in ages. i just couldn't seem to put him down. :)

item 6: the morning sickness is setting in. so yes, i finally feel pregnant. my doc called in some zofran & phenergan for me this morning & i will be picking them up ASAP. i just cant be this sick with the boys to care for. its not their fault we're KU, & i owe them better than a droopy, barfing mom.


  1. Item 1 - exactly, meant to be is what it is...I agree.

    Item 2 - Glad it was a great wedding!

    Item 3 - That long? really? that's huge!

    Item 4 - Hehee, idea thief, but at least it worked, and it is a huge compliment, so you should pat yourself on the back, LOL!

    Item 5 - Missing your babies is part of it, but I can bet you are a little more refreshed, and your boys are even giving you extra cuddles!

    Item 6 - Told ya it was coming ;) Hope the Z or P work, watch out for the drowsiness the P can cause...

    Item 7 - Glad to have you 'back'!!

  2. I'm glad that you had such a great time!! My first trip away from my daughter i was secretly such a wreck without her. She had just started pulling herself up in her crib and a whole new set of worries were in my head.

    when is your next appt to check on the bean?

  3. iiri- thanks! :)

    melissa- its on the 19th, at which point we should be able to see a hb, if all goes well. keeping fingers crossed til then!!!!
