Thursday, October 8, 2009

i forgot to mention...

val is turning into a devoted tummy sleeper. i promised myself that when they were old enough to roll onto their bellies & back & choose how they sleep that i wouldn't freak out if they chose to sleep on their tummies. con for sure prefers his back (arms over his head, legs straight out), but val likes his tummy. so far so good-- no freak out by mom, but daddy has had a few. the NICU folks really put the fear of God into us over SIDS. which is good, bc we've been very cautious about sleep habits, but it makes the time when they are old enough to control how they want to sleep kind of nerve racking. of course, we always put them down on their backs, but what can i say? the guy likes his tummy.


  1. C is a belly sleeper also. I say (and asked how sad right) as long as he can roll both directions let the little guy sleep how he likes. BUT I also have the angel care monitor which really keeps the freak outs low.

  2. Hannah was always a much better tummy sleeper too. I checked on her several times every night, but at least she got a full nights sleep!

  3. I hated when Noah started tummy sleeping. It did scare me...and he started literally just a day or two after a little girl here in town died of SIDS so of course that was not helpful to my nerves. But as long as they are rolling on there own there is really nothing you can do about it.
