Tuesday, October 13, 2009

so tired....

i can barely function. i'm making myself stay awake long enough to eat, & i fully plan to be in bed by 7 tonight. stupid morning sickness & stupid phener.gen... i'm taking it over zo.fran in hopes of avoiding the killer headaches & constipation (sorry TMI) that zofran gives me. i was so sick with the dudes last time that headaches was the lesser of 2 evils, but the phener.gan is working so far with this one, other than making me dead on my feet. or maybe thats just the pregnancy. lord, i'm tired.


  1. Nominated you for an award thingie, heheee!

  2. I hope you get a lot of GOOD sleep :) ((HUGS))

  3. Yuck. Its both! I was so tired and the phenergan only made it worse. I hope you get plenty of rest and feel better tomorrow!

  4. I'm sorry you are feeling badly - I hope you got some good sleep!
