Thursday, November 12, 2009

Alcohol & Know-It-Alls

I'm taking a nutrition class (required for the dental hygiene program) & last night was our lecture on alcohol, which of course included alcoholism. The professor goes over the health problems caused by prolonged abuse, cirrhosis of the liver being one of the msot serious. She mentions that if it gets bad enough, the only real treatment is a transplant. At this point, a super obnoxious girl who sits behind me decides to chip in with her 2 cents. (if you've ever been in any kind of higher education you pry know the type. she knows everything about everything & has either personally experienced every ailment discussed in class or knows some one who has. & of course, bc of her great wealth of personal experience, she knows more about any given topic than anyone else including the professor. she also brings brownies to this class (did i mention it's a nutrition class?) & frequently spouts off about her incredibly healthy vegan lifestyle, despite the fact that she weighs over 200lbs & seemingly eats packaged brownies like candy. i'm sure you can already tell how much i appreciate her commentary.)

anyways, last night's discussion of alcoholism hit close to home for me, as i have watched someone very close to me struggle with it for over 20 years before finally becoming clean almost 3 years ago. we saw withdrawl in all its horrid glory, as this person quite cold turkey (a stupid, stupid & very dangerous way to quit for a serious addict, in case anyone is wondering.) we saw the after effects, the altered personality, the tremors, the halucinations (no, it's not just drug addicts who go through that kind of withdrawl) & it was incredibly scary, even more so bc this person (my dad) is also a diabetic, which is pretty much the worst additional disease an alcoholic can have. the combo is super dangerous & damaging & we are incredibly lucky that he is here & well & sober today.

so when the professor is talking about transplants, this idiot brownie-eating girl has the balls to say that alcoholics don't deserve the chance, bc their problem is of their own making. excuse me, but who gave her the power to judge another human being? what right does she, or anyone, have to say that a man like my dad, who, although far from perfect, is working to turn his life around, does not deserve the chance to live a life free from addiction? Addicts are not by definition evil people. They have mothers & fathers & sisters & husbands & wives & children who love them, just like any other person.

The ability of some folks to condemn an entire population of people through ignorance, or lack of compassion, or just plain meanness infuriates & amazes me, & leaves me feeling somehow disapointed with the human race generally.


  1. i'd have turned around and said something about bringing brownies to a nutrition class. or started talking about BMI. but that's only bc my friend who died last year was an alcoholic, but also the kindest person i've ever known in my life.

    Are you feeling better? Able to keep food down?

  2. thanks melissa, i'm kind of coasting... feeling pukey but not actually puking. so that's good. i'm still being kind of a slacker mom bc i just feel generally cruddy, but the boys seem to be having fun despite my ickiness, so this is an improvement over the past few days for sure!!

  3. I really dislike those know-it-all types. If she knows it all, why is she taking the class?

    Glad to hear your father is doing better. It must be a difficult thing for a family to go through.

    Sorry to hear you're not feeling much better. Hopefully it will get better soon. And for the record, I am sure you are still a fantastic mom to your little dudes!

  4. relply..."so if you get heart disease they shouldn't treat you because it is your own fault for eating all those freaking brownies". What a bitch.

  5. I would have said something because I too watched a couple of people die becuase of not only alcohol addiction but also drug addiction. But what people don't realize is that detoxing from alcohol is the only one that will kill you in the process if not careful since it binds to your blood cells, therefore making the addiction 100x harder to break. I commend your father as I know the damageing affects it has on a person and there body to go cold turkey like that. And as far as that girl... if she id free to say what is on her mind, so should you.

    Leigh (Leigh0312)

  6. Yeah you know what my first thought on this was?

    Well bitch you should NEVER be allowed gastric bypass, your fat ass is your own making.

    But that is not nice, and I am still trying to do the nice words. Opps guessed I failed again dammit!
