Sunday, November 22, 2009

orka-ville, here i come!

from my loving husband this morning: "wow, you're really looking pregnant!" which is a true statement, so i don't mind. it's better than being in the no-man's land of "is she pg, or is she fat?"

what IS kind of depressing is that i think i'm as big with this singleton as i was with the dudes at the same point. (eventually i'll post comparison pics, i promise!) i know i was huge with the boys bc there were 2, & i know you're usually bigger with a subsequent pg, but i somehow had convinced myself that i wouldn't be so big this time since i only have one baking. alas, that seems not to be the case.


  1. LOL Kate!

    Having there be no doubt and the question avoidance is a good thing though.

    And you are so funny! I did the same comparison when I was preggo with Liam. If it helps shouldn't end up as big in the end ;) Right now it just means new bean is growing like he or she should!

    And no orca!

  2. LOL...that reminded me of my 20 week appt. I got home and told Brandon all about it, including that I was up 5lbs so she said I could continue to eat what I wanted...his reply was "wow, it looks like you've gained at least 10 or 15". Somehow that was supposed to be a compliment.

    I found that I got huge really early with Eli. But around 24 weeks I think I was starting to slow down in the growth and now I think I look similar as I did with Noah. I was also measuring 2-4 weeks ahead until my last appt when I measured a week behind (I always measured small with Noah). point: you will probably eventually level off and start looking more consistent with how far you are. But it is always reassuring when you start looking pregnant...sounds like everything is growing like it should be! I am so excited to hear how your appts go!

  3. bwahaha... well Mike likes to say I look "cute as a whale... I mean button." LOL

  4. Hahaha, I totally read the title as "OKRA-ville" as in the veggie, not ORCA, the whale. I was like "what does this post have to do with okra?? Oh wait..."

    Wow, just thought I would share the blonde moment... I'm sure you look beautiful, hun, just like you did when you were pg with the dudes. :)
