Thursday, February 5, 2009

25 Random Things

Yup, I snagged this from facebook.

1. i never knew how much it was possible to love another person until i met my husband. i've always considered myself independent, but i honestly don't even like to travel without him. life is just that much poorer when he's not around.

2. despite nolan's unwavering support, i still feel guilty for leaving the "big money" job.

3. i "fell in love" for the first time in italy.

4. i have a very hard time letting go. I HAVE to get to the bottom of things & understand the "why" behind everything, even things that are none of my business. this drives my very patient husband nuts.

5. i think loyalty is the single most important quality in a friends & family, & for me, its absence is the only unforgivable sin.

6. i am a better catholic than i usually admit to being.

7. after we lost our second pregnancy, i almost lost my mind. there is no approrpiate time period for grieving the loss of a child. even now, expecting 2 beautiful boys, i still miss our lost little ones. it has made me incredibly sensitive to issues of infertiltiy & loss, & i am consistently amazed by kindness from people we didn't expect it from, as well as the casual cruelty we've faced at the hands of people we thought were good friends.

8. along the same lines as #7, people who complain about being pregnant when they've had notihng but peaceful, easy pregnancies really piss me off.

9. i love birds. i think they are totally amazing creatures & love sharing my house with them. i'm also a devoted bird watcher. weird, right?

10. i am actually looking forward to being a stay at home mom while i finish school. (for the 3rd time. i just like to collect degrees.)

11. i had a fantastic time in law school. i didn't need to study much to do well, & spent most of the time drunk. this should have been a sign to me that law was not the right profession for me.

12. i regret every single guy i dated prior to 2002.

13. i am a board game junkie. nolan & i actually think its fun to stay in & play scrabble.

14. when it comes to my own life, i have a hard time with secrets. i believe that if you're living your life well, there is no need to hide anything from anyone.

15. living in italy taught me that i really was a capable & competent human being.

16. it's taken me a long time to learn that i can't compensate for holes in anyone's life by being the perfect daughter, sister, or friend.

17. i absolutely adore having a big extended family & wish i got to see them more.

18. i miss my brother & it makes me sad that my sons won't see him much.

19. i don't believe that love strikes twice & i know that my husband is the only person in the world for me.

20. my best friends all live in difference states.

21. i worry about whether i'll able to be a good mom & a good wife & a good friend all at the same time.

22. i love mma (mixed martial arts, for those who don't know) & it drives me nuts that guys assume i don't understand the sport bc i'm not a dude.

23. substance abuse has touched our family too many times, & the aftershocks still have the power to chip away pieces of my heart.

24. i actually have a blog. (another thing i swore i'd never do. amazing what months of boredom will do to a girl's resolve.)

25. i would wear t-shirts, jeans & flipflops every day if it were possbile.

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