Friday, February 27, 2009

How Did We Get This Lucky?

My mom took me on a quickie trip to Babies R Us this afternoon (wheelchair, of course) to grab a diaper bag & baby sling. I still have the hardest time picking this stuff out... I know we're getting close, but it all still seems hypothetical to me. Yes, there are 2 little dudes rolling around inside me right now, & I know in an abstract sort of way that they're growing & have fingernails & hair (we even saw baby B's hair on the ultrasound on Wednesday!), but I still can't quite imagine actually holding them, looking in their eyes, feeding them, even changing diapers seems less than concrete right now. I'm so excited to meet them, but I can't quite wrap my head around the idea that N & I will be parents. Of children. Who are coming home. Wow.... is it really real? Maybe some one should pinch me...


  1. *pinch*..LOL you make me laugh sometimes!Yes you have a right to be afraid comes with being a'll worry about those boys everyday for the rest of your life...But believe this you and N will do great..and YES those boys are coming home!!!OMG I am so excited for you..yeah BFing will be tough at first..but you'll get into a routine and you'll manage just fine...and sleep will be just a memory...but as my DH says..I'll sleep when I'm dead..LOL...As long as you keep it in your mind that you CAN do'll make it through the rough parts(you are much stronger than you realize..those are some lucky boys to have you and N)*hugs* hun!

  2. I second what Katie said!!!! You *CAN* do this!!! I honestly believe that God doesn't place anything before us that we can't handle!!! You are gonna be such a fun and fantastic mommy!!!

  3. you all are so sweet! thanks for the vote of confidence girls!! :)
