Friday, April 24, 2009


For those who don't know, Detroit has casinos. The "fancy" local kind, although because of its location, there are alot of people there on payday and when the welfare checks come out. Still a nice time, it's just how it is. Anyways, we're watching TV last night & I see a commerical for "Chick-Tac-Toe" at the Motor.City Casino. This, apparently is tic-tac-toe played against a live chicken. (the goal is to beat the chicken.) Vegas has Cirque-de-Solei & we have a tic-tac-toe playing chicken. Gotta love the D!


  1. lol, that's hilarious! at the NY NY hotel in vegas they used to have a large chicken costume outside one of it's shops, so i guess vegas isn't too amazing :)

  2. Hahahaha! That brightened my morning. When I feel down today, I will think of that chicken. :)

