Friday, April 17, 2009

Feeling Human

for once! :)

We just got back from the guy's doc appt, & good news-- they each gained a TON this past week! At least 2oz per day per boy! So Val is now 6lb12.5oz & Con 7lb1/2oz. They're doing really well, so I got an ok to increase the breastfeeding sessions to 2 a day (we can supplement with formula or EBM (expressed breastmilk) as needed of course), & we can start doing some normal newborn things like tummy time, etc. N gave in & we now have bouncers that are newborn appropriate & they are AWESOME. Both guys are hanging out in them now, & it is fabulous-- no one is puking, N & I both have our hands free, it's really, really, really great. (Did I mention its GREAT?)

We also got an ok to take the guys out to non-people filled venues (like a walk around the neighborhood.) Still not up to grocery stores etc, but I'll take a short trip outside-- just being able to leave the house sounds like heaven, so I'm pretty happy with that.

N & I had a good talk this morning, & he agreed to take off til 1 week past their due date (which is all I wanted originally, so I'm happy.) That way, hopefully my mom will be healthy again & can help, I can have a trial run being "on my own" at night while N is still here & available to help, & I think that will help me feel a little more confident, although I'm sure I'll still totally freak out a ton more between now & then. (yay for postpartum hormones & lack of sleep induced insanity!)

N finally 'fessed up on why he's been acting so oddly. Basically, while we're thrilled to finally be parents, having 2 little people consuming all of your time & resources (financial, emotional & otherwise) really highlights all the things you haven't done yet in your life. It's like he's having a "midlife crisis" at 30. Which is ok. I can understand that, I just need him to share those thoughts with me, otherwise I start thinking he resents me & the guys (which is totally where my mind has been headed lately) & then I start to resent him for daring to be frustrated. (bc let's be honest, no matter how amazing & helpful dad is, mom is the one who really gets the sh*t end of the stick when caring for newborns. it's just how it is, by virtue of having boobs & mommy-brain.*)

so that's where we are today. it's better place. still sleep deprived & scary, but more in control & optimistic. once again, the guys are fussing... must be time to eat!

*mommy-brain= the inability to focus on anything but your baby's cries when said baby is wailing for any reason.

N & the Con-man

Val in his bouncer (yay!)


  1. oh yeah, i forgot to add-- they will be 38 weeks tomorrow :)

  2. YAY! For some hands free time!! Great job on the weight! Pretty much YAY! for the entire post!

  3. Awesome, hooray for working things out with N!!! I was asking Kim what those little chairs are called that are for babies b/c I was thinking you should get some (they're Bumbo chairs, btw) but it looks like you've got it covered. :)

  4. Glad to hear about everything!! those weights are awesome!!!!!!!! Woot for the bouncers!! Glad it's a great day and you and your DH talked about things.

  5. What a great post! I'm thrilled to hear the boys are doing so well, and I'm really glad you and N finally had a chance to have a heart-to-heart. I know my hubby and I are due for one soon... sigh.

    Enjoy your outings now that you get to have 'em!

  6. What a great update! Yay for your healthy growing boys and yay for talking things through before one or both of you lose your mind. (We have been there!) Love these updates!!

  7. I am so glad things seem to be better. The bouncy seats will help, and sounds like they are gaining weight!!
    Get some fresh air - that always makes me feel a little more human!

  8. Aww, thanks Kate!! I will definitely post pics of it when it's done... if it isn't too hideous and messed up, LOL. I haven't done this in awhile... the last thing I made was the beginning of a baby quilt, and um... yeah, there were some very uneven spots.

  9. They are doing so well and so are you! Those weights are awesome, 2 oz. a day is incredible!

    I totally understand the mommy brain thing and you have it times 2, but don't worry it does start to gradually go away :)

  10. Way to grow boys!!!! And yeah for being able to get out of the house and go for walks...and bouncy seats!!!
