Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Sorry if this is TMI, but you all can deal with it! :)
I have a plugged duct from the stupid too-tight bra I've been wearing bc I can't find a nursing bra that fits, & it HURTS! ow ow ow ow.... suggestions to help are welcome... just pumping/nursing through it so far. warm showers. kinda helps, but still... OW!

Boys are doing ok... keeping fingers crossed their tests keep going well, & trying to tie up lose ends at home. It's really hard to keep up with laundry & the other sundry details of life when I'm living at the hospital 24/7. I think we're back on top of things again tho... at least for a while. :P


  1. I agree - ouch! Sadly I have no advice other than what you're already doing. But I have sympathy, if that's any consolation!

  2. Ok...I am not joking, but get a head of cabbage and put it in the fridge and pull leafs off and stick the cold leaves in your bra. My lac consult had me do this when I can a blocked duct and it helps them feel better.

  3. I have heard the same thing that Amanda told you about. Have you checked out Target? They have some nursing bras that are a little bigger, and from what I have been told they are not bad as long as you NEVER put them in the dryer.

    I totally KWYM about the house, mine was a wreak, and wreak isn't even the right word. It took me a full day and a half of not going to the NICU to feel like it was clean enough to bring C home to. It was a total nightmare! When you have your date, stay home and catch up ;0)

  4. Plugges ducts are sooo painful. I found the best thing is to take a really long really hot shower massaging it the whole time and then to get out and pump immediately. I did this once for a bad one, brought the pump right in the bathroom and cleared up right away.
