Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Babies Update:Trying to Catch Our Breath (literally)

Here's the latest on the boys' breathing:
Everyone seems totally confused by what's going on, as both guys are having atypical breathing patterns. The nurses, N.P & neo.doc. all had a "conference" today on what could be going on. They aren't sure, but the docs think it's "immature breathing patterns". Basically, this means they still breathe like preemies, even though they will technically be 36 weeks on Sat, they were born early & are "wimpy white boys" (heard that one before, right Kim? For the non-NICU savvy-- "wimpy white boys" refers to the fact that white boys generally fare the worst & take longer than all girls & all other ethnic backgrounds when born prematurely.) The patterns are atypical in that they don't experience dips in their heart rates when the desats happen, & generally both recover on their own. (if you aren't familiar with desats, just know that its short term for low blood oxygen levels.) Because Val's desats are deeper, he is still on oxygen through his nasal cannula. They're going to try low level o2 & see how he does with reduced flow over the next few days in an attempt to wean him off the o2 if possible. Because Con's desats are not as deep, he is just being monitored for now, but if he starts desating like his brother, he'll get therapeutic o2 as well. All this means the guys will be in the NICU for a while yet. Which is fine, we'll deal with whatever we need to in order to get & keep our guys healthy & safe.
Con also got circumcised today, which totally sucked for him & me. He pretty much slept the entire rest of the day & was not quite his usual self. I hate that he had to go through that, but am comforted that he won't remember & hopefully will heal quick. We're waiting to do Val's until he's off the cannula, but the docs want to do both boys a while before they go home so they can monitor any changes in their breathing after the procedure.


  1. Oh Kate they are sooo cute! I have been checking in on you guys daily. It sounds like the guys are doing great and you are continuing to be such great parents. Everyone thought Braden looked just like Paul until he started opening his eyes more then I got the "he looks like you" comments, I loved it too!

  2. Aww, poor little dude getting part of his part cut off. And poor you!!! I bet you cried more than he did!!! Sending big hugs. You are so strong!!!

  3. LOL Yup, I still hear whimpy white boy.

    The breathing, is it they belly breath? Or is the the short puffs followed by a pause and then a huge breath? It is the pause that gets C, that is where he destats.

    The NICU sucks, but, they are in the best hands right now. Better they are sent home ready to face the world. ((HUGS)) promise all of this will go by so fast, and will all be a distant memory before you know it.
