Monday, April 13, 2009

Zombie Life

Newborn sleep poll: how many hours together would your LO(s) sleep when you first brought them home?

Just curious...

I actually have the use of both arms for a little while right now... both guys are asleep (in theory) in the bedroom, & N is out. Too bad I am too brain fried to come up with a decent post!! :P

My guys are on a 2 day bender of waking up starving every 2 hrs right now, & it has turned N & me into total zombies. He just left for the bank to pay our mortgage (the idiots screwed it up again, & seem to think that our only house is a vacation house & jacked us for a bunch of taxes we don't really owe, so he has to actually go see the bank people to fix it. grrr....) Anyways, other than to say "you want to get bottles or diapers?" & "when are you leaving?" we haven't spoken since around 11pm last night. (don't worry, am not stressed over the lack of convo, am just using it as a barometer of how exhausted we both are.) The reflux trauma is really a kicker, since a screaming miserable baby is not condusive to any one of the 4 of us getting some sleep.

Just for fun, here's a brief glimpse into my day: wake up to fussy boys, fix bottles (yup, its breastmilk, but we're still using almost entirely expressed stuff), change val, change con, clean everything they may have managed to pee/poo on, feed a baby, burp a baby, (if con-- keep holding for a while in hopes of gettting him to sleep), put boys down to sleep, pump, do dishes/laundry/animal care, grab baby who is now crying & refluxing & hold until asleep again, sit for maybe 1/2 hr in lack of sleep induced stupor, repeat. we do this all day with slight variations, & at night i try to sleep instead of doing laundry.

i hear val crying, so i'm off to start the cycle again. :D if i weren't totally in love with these little boys, i think i'd be nuts by now--lol!


  1. Every two hours sounds about right. It feels like your head just hits the pillow and you have a baby crying. Some babies, are every 3 hours I have never been so lucky.

    The vombie state slowly gets better. C at 8 weeks (adjusted) is about sleeping through the night. We get up at about 1 am is all. I think he was 4 weeks old when he started going 3-4 hours between feeds (only at night) and 6 weeks when he started going 6+ hours.

    Also remember growth spurts. In the womb they would be having a huge growth spurt right now to prepare for the outside world. Growth spurts only last a few days, and get better.

  2. Noah wouldn't sleep more than 20 minutes at a time the first 2 nights! Then he started doing 1-2 hours at a time for about a week. Then we went to 2-3, and at 3 weeks we were doing 3-5. At 6 weeks we did 9 hours!!! Hang in there...sleep will come :)

  3. ;-D Glad to hear they're worth it. {{{hugs}}} and go-away-reflux vibes!

    Amy (webmd)

  4. I tried to post last night from my phone...apparently my phone didn't like that! LOL!

    Anyway, both of my kiddos sort of had their days and nights mixed come night time, they'd be awake a lot until like 3ish weeks. Then they both started to at least go back to sleep after feeding, even if it were every 2, 3, or 4 hours.

    However, DS would sleep a lot during the day when he was partying at night in those first few weeks...DD, not so much, we have to work to get her to sleep! Of course when she was in the NICU she slept GREAT and all of the time...when she got home, she was a totally different baby!

    As far as how much sleep and when...once DD got her nights in order, by 5 weeks, she went 6 1/2 hours one night, a few nights later, 7 hours. At 6 weeks she did 8 hours and at 6 1/2 weeks she even did just shy of 9 hours. HOWEVER, there were "bad nights" inbetween each of those where she only did 4 1/2 or 5.

    An average night now at 7 weeks old is 7 hours.

    Good luck! Sleep will eventually come! But I'm sure it's a lot harder with 2 since you can't exactly tell them to ONLY wake when their brother is awake!

    Hugs and sleepy vibes to your boys!
