Saturday, April 18, 2009

Time to Eat...

or not.

I am having the hardest time eating lately. Since the guys arrived (they were 4 weeks old on Thursday, btw-- yay dudes!) I just don't eat. When food is available I make myself eat something bc I have to eat to feed the guys, but today for instance, it's almost 2pm & I hadn't eaten anything since dinner last night except a cup of coffee (N made me a sandwich & I had half, but I just don't want any more.) & dinner & some twizzlers was all I ate yesterday. it's like I'm too tired for food or something. I'm still making lunch for N, etc, but I just don't want to eat. Is this some kind of new mom phase or something? Usually I love to eat, but I could care less lately. Oh well... milk production is not suffering, so as long as the guys are getting enough I guess it's cool. Just odd.

So I mentioned yesterday I'm supposed to increase the guys' bfing sessions to twice a day, but (& this might sound weird since I'm such a big bfing fan) I'm having a hard time finding time. I don't really have a good location to bf (our couch is enormous but not comfy for me-- it's made for a huge man (N) not a very short woman (me) & we have no recliners or anything) so getting "set up" to bf is a huge pain, especially when I'm solo, bc I can't leave the pillows & stuff up all the time. & the guys still insist on bfing with the nipple shield. It really helps them out, but again is a pain to get set up. & I still have to offer a bottle afterwards & then pump. (Oh, & don't forget there's a whole other kid to feed too!) I really want bfing to be successful (& when we get set up, it usually is) but it's such a huge production & so time-consuming I'm not sure how long I can keep it up. I'm wondering if I should give up & just pump. For now I'm persisting & hoping it gets better, but I just don't know.

N is out picking up our stroller right now... I am pretty excited about that. I was supposed to go, but the guys were up every 2 hrs last night & I am so sleep deprived I just want to sit on the couch & cuddle a baby today. Val is rustling, so I'm off to get a bottle & diapers. Happy Saturday guys!


  1. nevermind on the stroller. stupid store.

  2. Hi Kate! I don't know about the appetite - I would encourage you to maybe get some Ensure drink. That would give you some nutrients and calories without actually having to eat. But you may want to bring it up with your doctor. Just make sure you are drinking plenty of H2O.

    As for breastfeeding, again I haven't gone through this yet. What about one of those pillow backs - the ones that have little arms? You could maybe sit against that while on the couch. That, with a boppy, might help.

    I hope someone has some better suggestions. Good luck!

  3. thanks sara... ensure isn't a bad idea-- then at least i'll get SOME food!

    i actually already have a nursing pillow with the pillow back. it does help (i actiually would really recommend one) but i just don't have a great place to use it. & the boppys are already part of my pillow configuration :) i really just need a chair that fits ME instead of my giant hubby-- lol! if you guys do have more suggestions though, they are definetly welcome!

  4. Oh I can only imagine doing all of this BF'ing, pumping, and so on with twins. I used a nipple shield, pumped, then bottle fed the pumped milk (then as you know, cleaned everything that you used which is twice the work, or really 3 times the work) and I only did this with one kid at a time! I used the nipple shield with DS for 6 weeks and DD for 4 weeks...and with each, when I hit the 6 week mark, things got a lot better!

    As for finding "your spot", I can totally understand...and again, I'm just dealing with one, so I know you've got even more to deal with an an even bigger reason to want to get cozy..but for some reason, this time I still can't quite find my comfy place...arg!

    Good luck mama...and I like the idea of ensure..that way you and your supply are taken care of! HUGS!
