Monday, March 23, 2009

NICU Update

We spent all morning with the boys. Both guys had an ultrasound on their spine, we're waiting on results, but we should get them back today. Absolutely hated seeing my sweet boys covered in blue goo & miserable... Val screamed every time I had to let go of him.
Pumping is getting better-- both guys are now getting about 2/3 breastmilk at every feeding. N has been awesome helping me pump-- sets everything up, cleans everything up & keeps a log for us.
They upped their feedings to 35cc's (their max until they start gaining weight) & Con's bilirubin levels are headed down, but Val's still need to be monitored. They're planning on moving both guys to cribs tomorrow... we'll see how that goes.
It stresses N & I to see things moving so quickly, but we're trusting the NICU folks to read the boys' cues & make sure they're being appropriately challenged but not stressed. Val is back on room air at 2L, & they're going to work on decreasing the flow today, since he's not desat-ing nearly as much. His nose is looking better as well (no more blood clots & the swelling is going down).
Con is doing well at the breast-- definetly interested & even got a solid latch once or twice & some good practice sucks. We're going to try Val for the first time this afternoon. Bc we want to breast feed, they won't introduce a bottle until they're latching well & getting some milk at breast feedings. I think we're scheduling a consult with the lactation consultant for tomorrow, so hopefully that will help, since this is my first try breastfeeding as well.
I'm almost writing this more as a log for myself... sorry if it's a bit dis-jointed. N & I are waiting on lunch, then a quick nap, then some pumping, then back to the NICU for kangaroo time & breast feeding with the dudes. We pry won't leave the hospital until after dinner, & will be back up here for their 9pm feeding. Thank God we live so close!
I'm finding myself increasingly frustrated with anything & anyone who interferes with my ability to be with my boys & pump for them. It seems so hard for some people to get that NICU babies are pretty much all-absorbing. & we have twins, so the pumping time, kangaroo time, breast feeding time all are increased-- there just aren't enough hours in the day to keep other people happy & care for my kids & keep my sanity. So of course, "other people" are out the window-- i have to be sane to care for my boys, & they are our only priority right now. I wish people would get it.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading the ramble... as you can tell, nap time is much needed! :)


  1. ((HUGS)) The boys should be your number one!!

    Tell the other people to kiss you where the sun don't shine. *wink*

    Glad to hear Val's nose is getting better. And that Con is getting the latch down.

    Remember, if you think the NICU is moving too fast, you CAN tell them to slow down, you are the only voice your boys have, if you don't speak for them no one will.

    Big ((HUGS))

  2. big (((HUGS))) Kate!!! You are doing wonderfully!! glad to hear the boys are doing so well and N is such a big help. And don't worry about the "other people," if they can't understand why you're so busy, they're not worth your time anyway.

  3. Sounds like they are doing well...and keeping you busy! Don't worry about pleasing anyone else right now, ppl should understand that it is all about the boys right now! And how flippin cute are they?????

  4. The only people that matter at this point in time are you, N and the hell with the rest of the world (us included)..

  5. Sounds like you need a deputy! Is there anyone you can single out to be your press agent/executive assistant/secret service agent? Whose job would be to stand between you and the crowd and thank everyone for their concern, give the occasional update, and the occasional head-butt to the pushier folks out there? (I'm cranky, so maybe I could do the head-butting, LOL!) Much love & hugs to you!

  6. I had a thought, not sure why I didn't tell you this before.

    When C was in the NICU, I let everyone know, I would send emails with the big updates, and weekly updates if nothing major was going on. That really slowed down the phone calls, and the visits.

    I asked people to please forward it on to anyone I might have missed. By the time it was forwarded, everyone had the update.

    Also, I set up a dropshots account, it is so simple to use if you download the dropbox. I could drop the photos in and leave it alone.

    That way, people could see photos, I kept up on the photos, not so much the updates. But as long as there was new photos people were satisfied.
