Thursday, March 12, 2009


This is the only place I can get to from the hossy computer to update, so here's all I know for now:

I got admitted for pre-ecclampsia this morning (12 lb weight gain in 5 days, high BP, & a bunch of other pre-e symptoms). I'm here at least until tomorrow & we won't know for sure what's up til then unless things go south fast (which we're told can happen with pre-e). We just got labs back & so far my liver & kidney function are in normal ranges, which is good news & means the pre-e probably isn't progressing super fast right now. The boys are doing well. It's just a mattter of figuring out how long we can safely keep them before we have to deliver at this point, since the only cure for pre-e is delivery. I'll update when I can, but for now please keep my guys in your thoughts & prayers. Thanks!!


  1. I mentioned on PAL that you had updated here, I'm so glad to hear that things are okay so far. I am praying for you!! also posted a prayer request on my blog (though if you don't want it there I will remove it).

  2. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Just know, your boys are sitting pretty at almost 33 weeks!

  3. Many thoughts and prayers indeed!
    Shelley (MNHall)

  4. Thinking about you and the boys!


  5. love and hugs from us..I hope things go easy for you!

  6. Keep us updated Kate. You and the boys are in our thoughts and prayers!

  7. How scary, but you are in the best place possible right now. Great that they caught this in the earliest stages, hopefully something can be done before it progresses. Giving you all the goo luck vibes possible!

  8. Thinking of you! I am keeping you and the boys in my prayers!
